Chapter 8: Enemies

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You started something that you just couldn't stop,

You turned the ones that you love into the angriest mob.

And their one last wish is that you pay for it

And there's no way you're getting out of this!- Shinedown

❗️Contains Violence 🔪❗️

Three weeks have passed, Opie was more than halfway healed, his bike was fixed ,got the OK from Tara  to be more active , and him and Sage took care of each other. After her shift at limits Sage made her way down the dark road to her truck, throwing her bag in the passenger seat, next thing everything went black.

    ~Opie's P.O.V~

"She should have been home by now," I paced back-and-forth calling Jax

"She's not home yet, somethings not right, she said she was on her way, that was 20 minutes ago, I can't leave Kenny and Ellie" I started to pull at my hair

"Shit, why did I let her talk me out of the protection shifts, calling an emergency meeting NOW  I'll have Tig  check out her truck and I'll send my mom over, get here as soon as my mom gets there" Jax quickly hung up.

Five minutes later Gemma pulls into the driveway  quickly.

"You find her baby!" Gemma gave me a nervous  hug

"If anything happens I'll never forgive myself, I love her Gem" Opie  looked at Gemma

"I know you do, everyone knows baby, Now  go find her!" She shoved me out the door

" I hurried and started my Harley and speed over to the clubhouse.

                           ~END POV~

As soon as everyone reached the table and unknown number flashed on Jax's  phone, answering it turning it on speakerphone. A voice spoke slowly.

"Oh the biker boys everyone loves so much I don't believe I need to introduce myself"

"Wheres  my cousin you  sick piece of shit?! I want to talk to her!" Jax yelled into the phone

"Jax! Woods!, safe place!" She yelled in the background  as Cooper backhanded her.

"I want five grand, I believe she already told you where she's at , but I'd hurry, she might have an hour, maybe more, maybe less" Cooper laughed deep in his throat

" What do you mean asshole? , don't hurt her!"Jax was filled with rage

"Stay tune for a video" Cooper hung up

"Juice see if you could track her! Have a feeling I know where she might be, she gave me keywords, the woods  near the town park, not many houses around there" Jax  pulled at  his hair as his phone dinged . Opening up a video the Samcro crew watched in horror

Sage was tied up and gagged with belts and ropes sitting in a wooden storage crate,  buried in the ground several feet, trying to scream, Cooper nailed the top of the crate shut and started shoveling dirt onto it. The video cut off

"Got it boss you were right" Juice  told Jax

" Piney and Sack, you stay here, Bobby get the counterfeits, everyone in the vans, Ope  you're with me! We can't waste any time !" Jax yelled throughout the clubhouse and the whole crew sped off.

Sage couldn't believe she was being buried alive, what if she never sees her family again, she'll never start a family of her own, her and Opie may never have their chance. Tears flowed  down her cheeks,  she knew she  needed to stay calm and focus on her normal breathing. Moments passed so slowly  which felt like an eternity. After some time  She heard low faint voices, and the wrestling of shovels digging. Several minutes later a crowbar was opening the lid ,  she came face-to-face with Happy, Jax, and Opie. Jax hurried and took his Knife and cut her restraints

"She's alert and breathing boss" Happy told them

"Jesus Christ ! Jax... He buried
me... alive!!!! Sage  she said with a raspy voice and sobbing.  Feeling weak Opie and Jax put Sage's arms around their necks and helped her out of the box. They each gave her a hug.

" Good thing were were able to track you and you shouted those code words for me or we would of never..." Jax  trailed  off starting to choke up

"I know" its all she can manage to say.


" I thought I lost you too!  forever" Opie  said as he gave her a light kiss on the lips, being careful around her Bruised Cut lip from where Cooper backhanded her.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else?" Jax  was fuming

"No, all this was the worst of it" Sage gently touched her lip and cheek and Jax nodded

"Hey boss?  she OK? These two are very antsy" Tig yelled  out a few  yards away

"She's weak  but OK" Jax  yelled back and Sage looked at him confused

"You got him? Wait? Two? How?"She arched her eyebrow , placing  her arms around Opie's waist  for support

"Yeah , Cooper and his dealer Andrew. Brought  counterfeit bills , they got distracted then boom got them. I want Cooper Jax  I really do he almost killed her! Opie looked at his best friend and  clinched  his fist and Jax nodded. Sage took a moment and made a long  hard decision ... and shook her head 'no'

"NO,... You guys can have Andrew, but I want Cooper. Jax  I need your knife" Sage coughed , her throat was so dry.

"Sage... I don't think your cut out to do this" Jax said running his hands through his hair.

"Boss, let her do it, this is her revenge. Tig , Juice  and I will clean everything up, No trace of anything, everything wiped clean. So this won't go back on her or anyone else." Happy said as he reached into his back of his pocket for an extra set of gloves and handed them to her

"Far as I know, I haven't heard from Cooper, no issues, haven't seen or heard from him, they both could have changed their names, could be anywhere around the world. Samcro knows nothing. I fell walking to my truck in the dark after work. Now Jax ... GIVE ME YOUR KNIFE" Sage  put out her hand as Jax nodded and gave  it to her.

Walking over to Cooper and  Andrew, that were tied to a tree with the crew surrounding them. Opie and Jax didn't leave her side. Sage took a long hard look at the enemy in front of her, that  tall ginger man with pale  skin and dark eyes.

"You should have been dead, but no, you were always such a damsel in distress, a loser, a bitch, that's why I always hated being around you. Try to get me clean,  put me in jail,  guess what baby I'm back. It was fun playing cat and mouse games. Too bad your boyfriend survived that bullet" Cooper spat

"I knew that was you, what's wrong Cooper, mad that I won again? Did you have fun with your Obsession following me? You can call me everything you want, however you forgot one thing" Sage spoke with rage in her voice, clutching the knife behind her back and walked up and stood inches of front of him and made eye contact. " I  LOVE..." She started as  Cooper interrupted her

"That you love me? I never loved you"  Cooper laughed

"No! Not what I was going to say. What I was going to say was...  I LOVE... The fact that you forgot... That...  IM A TELLER !" Sage  said as she jolted  with anger and with a quick swift  movement she cut his throat. Watching him choke on his own blood, as she took a few steps back, threw the knife and gloves down and watched Opie as he shot both Andrew and Cooper in the head,  nodding to Jackson  that she was OK

"Boys clean this up. No trace of anything, Ope you need to get her back to her place, I'll have Tara look her over." Jax told us as he helped the crew finish what was started

"Got it, I'm not leaving her".  Opie told him. Both turning to leave the last thing Sage remembered was the smell of gasoline and fire.

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