Chapter 5: Cold Hearted Snake

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~You're the one givin' up the love any time he needs it

But you turn your back and then he's off and running with the crowd

You're the one to sacrifice, anything to please him

Do you really think he thinks about you when he's out?- Paula Abdul~

❗️Mentions Violence❗️

After A week, Sage was trying to avoid Opie. Seeing that he was divorced and a free man, she knew he was having fun, so decided to stay out of the way. Walking to her truck after her usual shift at Limits ,she crawled into the cab of the truck and started the ignition, noticing a dark figure in the dark, reaching for her pistol in her bag.

"I wouldn't do that! didn't you miss me? See... I cut a deal with the judge, told him a 'I'll get help' sob story, poor bastard granted me bail, I'm here to settle a few scores". Sage froze knowing that voice, quickly coming to her senses she put her truck in drive and quickly drove home. Sage hurried with shaky hands to get into her apartment, and locking up, and turning on her alarm system. Throwing her bag down on her bed and charged her phone. Needing a long hot shower, crying from the memories of the pain, and her body was full of anxiety and tears rolling down her face. Feeling frozen under the shower-head, trying to shake herself out of it. Quickly washing her hair and stepping out. Running a towel through her damp hair. She knew deep down what she needed to do, even though she really didn't. Pulling her hair up in a messy bun, and putting on a pair of shorts and a black T-shirt. Grabbing her phone dialing Jax's number.

"Hey something wrong?" He asked in a sleep voice

"I'm sorry it's so late, but yeah, can you and one or two of your guys come over I need to talk in person... It's kind of urgent" Sage spoke in cracked voice

"I'll be there soon" Jax hurried and made two quick phone calls , and threw on his clothes and shuffled out the door

Sage quickly hung up and went to the spare bedroom closets where she had a box of photos and grabbing the two that she needed.

Pacing her kitchen floor waiting when she finally heard bikes and a familiar truck. Sage opened the door for Jax , Juice and Opie, leading them to the living room and instructed them to sit down.

"I'm so sorry it's late, but hear me out OK?! When I was in Arizona, I hit it off with this guy named Cooper, he used to come into the tavern a lot where I worked.Over some time we started dating, even not knowing much about each other. After about a month or two I found him with a needle in his arm. Heroin. I panicked, woke him up and told him if we were together I wouldn't tolerate an addict. Promised he would stop. A few months later caught him dealing,selling, and shooting right in my apartment that I also shared with my roommate Amanda. I lost it, I confronted him about it, next thing I knew I was thrown against the wall, him kicking me so hard in the rib cage, then left out the door to God knows where. My roommate found me on the floor not long after. I Ended up in the hospital for a few days due to a broken rib and a concussion. Pressed charges, and the judge gave him four years. I felt free, put some shit in order and moved back here. It's only been two years! He out! After work tonight I seen him, he's here in charming, he knew where I was raised so I'm sure it wasn't hard for him to figure shit out. I didn't see his face , but I know his voice. I started to pull my pistol out of my bag but froze. Said that he gave the judge a ' I'll get help' sob story and granted him bail, said he's here to settle a few scores. This is a picture of him with all the info on the back that I know about him. I'm sure I'm one of his targets" Sage exhaled

"I knew You dated someone, I remember his face from when you and I video chatted. Why didn't you tell me any of this?" Jax looked at Sage Worriedly.

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