Chapter Two: Welcome Home

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It took a few days for Sage to get settled in her new place. With the help of Gemma cleaning, stocking the fridge and unpacking a few belongings she had. All included two pull out couches, coffee table, two beds,, one for the master bedroom and the other for the guest room and four night stands. Jax, Opie , Juice and Chibs helped with heavy furniture. She noticed Juice with a bag near her front door, she walked over and raised an eyebrow at him.

"What's all this? "Sage asked crossing her arms

"Gemma and Clay's orders, They want you to have some kind of security, so I'm installing a hidden camera and intercom outside, and putting a monitor on the wall behind your door. "

Sage put her hands up in defeat, there's no arguing with Gemma, and allowed Juice get to work.

By Day six everything was finished, everything was in the exact place as she wanted, and her home was spotless. She had a home of her own back home. Of course Jax had to make sure he wrote out all the Samcro's contact numbers if she needed anything. Sitting there looking at Harry's number, she wondered why he hasn't said much since she came back besides a" hey", " welcome back" , " where do you want these nightstands?". Her heart sank, hoping their friendship wasn't completely over. Trying to shake it, she called Jax .

"Hey you OK? "Jax asked as soon as he answered

"Yeah I'm great, kind of want to ask you something, are you busy?"

"Tara and I have Abel at the park, what's up? " asking Sage as he put Abel in the swing.

"Opie? He seems off, feels like he hates that I'm back or some thing, hasn't said much to me." she asked in a low voice playing with a strand of her hair

"Honestly, he's always asked about you, stole my phone whenever you called just to say hi, so I don't think it's that, the boys going through a divorce with Lyla , it's final soon and Lyla doesn't want too so they're working out some details, the death of Donna is still weighing heavy, he's trying to reconnect with his kids since he's been locked up and missed half of their lives , and club shit ... the list goes on nothing to worry about" Jackson Encouraged her.

"Just odd to me, I worry about you guys" Sage said with a frown

"No I get it, oh hey mom says come over for a welcome home dinner tomorrow evening at six, bring your swimsuit, pool's still open"

"Can't say no to that can I? Does she need help with it?" Sage rolled her eyes

"No way! It's a dinner for YOU, she will smack you with a spatula if you even try "Jax's laughed

"You're right! I guess I'll see you then, tell Tara I said hello, Sage hung up and laughed

The following morning she decided it was time to suck it up and visit her father. Sitting in her truck ,Staring at the house she grew up in, not really wanting to do this because it wasn't going to go well. Her father raised her after her mother decided to get hooked on drugs and found dead in a ditch. However her father never really wanted her, treated her like a stranger, that's why she ended up staying with her Aunt and around the club more often than being home. Slowly getting out of her truck she walked over to the tree with the initials H,S,J Running her fingers across the carved tree bark. Taking a breath and slowly walking to the front door and gave the door a loud knock. She was Greeted by her father's nurse.

" Hi, you must be Karen ? I'm Jack Teller's daughter Sage Teller

"Oh yes I remember you from last time, come on in, I'm sure Jack will be delighted to see you" Karen - the way to happy nurse said with too much excitement in her voice. Sage couldn't resist rolling her eyes as she walked into the house and followed her to her fathers bedroom where he spent most of his time.

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