Chapter 9: Red

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Chapter 9: Red

Can't get you outta my head, girl

Can't get you outta my head

The way you color up my world

I'm seein' red – Dustin Lynch

-    Opie's P.O.V-

Watching Sage fall asleep every night became a habit, a habit that I didn't want to break. This girl, he thought about her frequently over the years. I was thinking about that night at her fathers house. No one knows, not even her ....that when I was on my bike that night, I cried. Sure the club and my first ride was great but I didn't have the one thing I truly wanted the most. Her!. Knowing damn well her father would say no regardless what her age was. It was only a two years difference between us. After that I knew I'd never be good enough for her. Then I moved on with Donna.
Seeing her dance like that at the nightclub made me weak ,my thoughts were tangled, Envisioning her in tangled bed sheets.

Her coming back I thought it was all just a dream until I realized it wasn't. That night at the resort it took me everything I had not to hold her, then she told me her secret, telling me that she heard every word I said that night at her house, those many years ago. My mind went a million miles a minute. She confessed she love me too and no one knew it.
The way strands of her hair fell in her face, the way her face got red when she became nervous, her lips full for needing to be kissed.The way she always paced the floor when she was anxious.

The way I felt a jolt in my body after kissing her. I needed too kiss her! I needed to feel her lips on mine! I need to feel how she felt.

Cooper hurting her and almost killing her ripped me apart, the same way I felt when I seen Donna's dead body on the cold pavement. That pain torn me up all over again. I thought I almost lost her too.

Seeing red... Between the rage I had about Cooper that buried my girl alive, and the passion I've always had for her. Her curved body that long black hair and piercing green eyes were always my weakness. My dad was almost always right about things. This was my second chance. After much needed time we both needed, I decided to plan something, I needed her to be my old lady. No more ex issues on either side, the kids love her, both of us have been sleeping great with each other around. It was the perfect time. I grabbed the truck keys ,loaded up the kids and made a few stops

-    End POV-

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