Chapter Four: Patch In Party

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One week later Sage still heard  about her one time performance at Limits and still received dirty looks from Lyla.

Wiping down tables and sweeping at Limits after hours ,her cell rang.

"Hey Jax!"

"Hey ! we are in the middle of a patch in  party you should drop by"

"I'm pretty tired Jax,, besides those parties really ain't my thing" she yawned

"Stop by and have a beer with me, I need to talk to you"

"Yeah... Sure, I'll be there soon" Sage hung up, counted her tips, and left.

Sage had to park down the street, she knew when the club had any kind of party it was always in full swing. She seen Tara at the gate and gave her a hug.

" No Abel?" Sage pouted wanting to see the little man.

  "No, he's with the sitter, he's a little young for these kind of parties "Tara said with a wink

"Very true, where is Jax?"

"Clubhouse, said to send you over his way when you got here"

"Thanks Tara, hey you doing anything Sunday? I was thinking we can have some girl time, catch up on things?"

"Yeah I'm free in the morning, I'll have Abel" Tara gave a small smile

"Great!  bring him, we can do brunch, meet me at the country diner say 9 AM?" Tara nodded

Sage  walked into the clubhouse finding half naked girls and orgies about to happen, she just shook her head and finally found Jax in the crowd. Jax walked up to her, grabbed her hand and dragged  her to the locked dorm room. Reaching in his pocket for the key,and unlocked the door. Sage walked in and sat on the desk chair, while Jax closed and locked the door and sat on the edge of the bed.

"It's that serious? What's going on?" She looked at her cousin concerned

"Before you came back to charming, I was on a trail, if you haven't noticed yet, but Clay is basically hooked up to an  oxygen tank the last few days. Some incidents happened and something was off,  I came across some old journals my dad wrote, my dad suspected that Clay would somehow get him killed .  After sniffing around and connecting the dots. I figured it out. Ope did too, found out Clay was behind on Donna's death, he shot Clay in the chest. I confronted Clay and told him he needs to step down And strip his president patch.He will still have a place at the table and vote ...for now. Your intentions about him were right all along" Jax told her in a low tone so no one would over hear him as he took out his pack of Cigarettes.

"Wait isn't this club stuff? Why are you telling me this?" Sage was shocked and confused

"It is, but it's also family shit, I just told you what you NEEDED to know. This doesn't leave this room" Jax motion between them

"Of course! Wow, thanks for keeping me in the loop. That chair should have always been yours Jax.. I miss Uncle John" Sage frowned as she gave Jackson a hug.

"Me too! Now go have a beer with me, Tara probably bailed on me by now". Jax grabbed a beer for each of them , and found a picnic table. Not seeing Tara he shot her a quick text.

"Who got patched?"

"Half sack"

"He seems like a good fit, trustworthy"

"Yeah he is, he takes our shit too so that's a plus" Jax said as he let out a puff of smoke

"You guys ARE a nightmare sometimes" she laughed, looking across the parking lot and seen Opie with a crow eater, she  frowned and quickly looked away ,  Jax noticed

"Big week for him too,  one...what I told you, and today his divorce was final with Lyla. Ive gotta ask ...what's going on with that? You and him?  We all know the history about him... I've been noticing how you act around him. What's going on?" Taking another drag of his Cigarette

Sage ran her hands through her hair. "OK fine I'll tell you what happened" Sage proceeded to tell him a memory of the past.

"You never told me this. I mean I  heard his side, but you should tell him! If he doesn't know. That shit will weigh heavy on you if you don't " Jax left out a big puff of smoke again.

"I am... Soon ! Just not sure HOW soon, I'm heading home, you should too!" Sage got up and hugged her cousin goodbye

" Yeah Tara is probably pissed off because I basically bailed on her tonight."

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