Chapter 7: Take your Time

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Chapter 7: Take Your Time

"I don't wanna steal your covers

I just wanna take your time."- Sam Hunt

Sage stretched out in the giant bed and yawned, noticing how relaxed and well rested she was when Opie was around, she missed Ellie and Kenny being around, but they needed a night in private. Checking her phone and received lots of Happy birthday  messages. Washing her face and made her way to the kitchen and was greated by a big smile .

" Happy birthday babe!" Opie handed her a cup of coffee and a plate of eggs and fruit.

" Mmmm looks good , thank you .... Babe? Already? We're not official yet and you already have a claim on me" she laughed and dug into her breakfast as Opie sat down.

" I've always had a claim on you, the club knows it!" He told her placing his coffee cup to his lips

" It's that obvious? What was Jax's reaction when he found out those so many years ago?" She looked up at him

" Remember  that day we were out on our bikes all day after school, I don't know ... I was about thirteen maybe? I had marks on my face , told you I wreaked my bike on the way home?" He asked playing with  his beard

" You and Jax got into it right?" She laughed and finished her coffee

"Yep ! So what's the birthday girl have in mind today?" He got up clearing the table and started washing the breakfast dishes

"Tanning bed, the pool, some girly shopping, and hang out here I guess" she shrugged

" How about I go into town and pick up some beer and a few another things for later, go tanning but take your phone , and we can relax by the pool later. I really enjoy seeing you in almost nothing" he smirked

She blushed and laughed " You're such a guy !  Sounds good, by the way I'm always wearing my GPS , I made a charm ankle  bracelet out of it" she pointed to her ankle

" Good idea , I'll be back soon" Opie kissed  her forehead and left.

        Later that evening , Opie brought back  a big birthday Cupcake , a case of beer and a small present, which she was instructed not to open yet, and told her to get ready to go out because he wanted to take her to dinner.

Choosing her new long sleeve charcoal V-Cut shirt , black jeans and new stiletto strap high heels . Curling her hair with a touch of makeup and added small hoop earrings. Walking out to the living room where Opie was sitting on the couch in a black button up shirt and his hair pulled back.

Opie's head shot  up when he heard her come into the room " You look great! You sure you're okay with taking the Harley?"

" Yeah it's totally fine , you're looking pretty sharp yourself " Sage  Smiled up at him.

" I try when I want to , before we go ... your gifts" Opie handed her a small gift bag

Opening It , was two black boxes , one had a necklace with a fairy , the other was a bracelet  with dragonflies.

" These are beautiful ! Thank you , I love them !" Thanks Ope you're a sweet heart "

" I remember when we were kids , you said you believed that they held magical protection and you've loved them ever since. Let's go to dinner " he grabbed her hand and lead her out the door .

   After an amazing dinner, and a small ride, Sage was happy that Opie now knew what she held in for years.  She was with her family again , and now knowing  Opie never lost feelings for her.

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