Chapter 77

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'Here you go honey, try this one on' Aston's stylist Debbie smiled at me. I'd tried on a few wigs she'd brought to our house, but none of them suited me.

'No' I sighed, handing her back a long, super-straight, platinum blonde wig.

'Okay, there's one left' she said, handing me another wig.. I didn't even glance at it. I was fed up with this. As I slipped it onto my head, and looked up in the mirror, I knew it was the one. My frown soon turned into a grin, and Debbie let out a sigh of relief.

'You like it?' she asked.

'Love it' I grinned.

'It suits you!' she smiled.

'Do you like it Ast?' I asked, turning away from the mirror to face him.

'You look beautiful' he smiled.

'Thanks' I blushed.

'Okay, how much will it cost Debbie?' Aston asked, grabbing his wallet from his back pocket.

'No, Ast! I want to pay!' I insisted.

'Neither of you are paying! You can have it for free' Debbie smiled.

'Are you sure?' I asked.

'Positive' she winked.

'Thanks Debbie' I grinned, hugging her.

'No worries! It suits you, it deserves to be yours. And this wig comes with a bonus. You can style it. Straighten it, curl it, plait it.. You name it. You WILL have to wash it though' she said.

'That's perfect' I grinned, playing with it.

'Nice to see you again Debs' I heard Aston say to her.. I wasn't really paying attention though. I was playing with my gorgeous new locks. 

I heard them go downstairs, and I heard the door open and shut again, before Aston came jogging back up the stairs.

'So you like it then?' he asked.

'I love it' I smiled.

'Good' he said, kissing my nose.

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