Chapter 78

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I smiled, looking at myself in the full length mirror in mine and Aston's bedroom.. I'd been out every day in my new wig, and on one of my trips out, me and Aston had gone shopping for new outfits for the movie premier, which was being held tonight. It was simple.. Plain black, but VERY revealing. I'd picked it off the rails in the shop, not realizing how revealing it was.. Of course when I showed it to Aston in the changing rooms, he was very eager for me to get it.. Perv. Maybe it was TOO revealing, but having cancer had changed my opinions on things.. I didn't care if people called me a slut or anything, I didn't care WHAT they thought.. I was here to have a good time. I'd gone for a spray tan in the week too, since the chemo had made me go really pale. I looked like a TOWIE girl at first, but then it faded throughout the day, and had stayed a natural looking colour.

'Are you ready babe?' Aston called up the stairs.

'Yeah' I smiled, running my fingers through my hair. I grabbed my gold clutch and gold heels, which matched my gold accessories, and skipped down the stairs.

'Wow' Aston said, biting his lip.

'Do you like it?' I grinned.

'I LOVE it.. You look so sexy' he said, kissing my lips passionately.

'You too' I smiled, readjusting his bow tie for him, to make it neater.

'Come on then' he grinned, grabbing my hand and leading us outside to his car. We hopped in, and drove off to the premier..

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