Chapter 20

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I screamed at him. His face changed from an angry expression to a shocked one. 'You happy now?' I cried, placing my hands over my face, tears pouring down my cheeks. He didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. I cried into his chest, my mascara dripping down his jumper.

'Babe.. I'm sorry' he said after a while. 'Do you want me to get some tests?'

'What will people think if they see you walking out of a shop with pregnancy tests? They don't even know about me..' I sobbed.

'I'll get JJ to go pick some up.. I can't let you go in this state' he said, kissing the top of my head.

'Okay' I sniffed, sitting down on the sofa, and pulling a cushion up towards me.

'Thanks mate, an get a few different ones, yeah? Okay, bye' Aston spoke down the phone, before placing it back in its holder and sitting next to me. 15 minutes later, and there was a screech of car wheels on a wet road, followed by a knock at the door. Aston made his way over to the door to answer it. As I guessed, it was JJ. I didn't really look over, I just sat staring at the wall, but I recognised JJ's voice. As the door closed, Aston walked back over with a carrier bag full of pregnancy tests. There must have been at least 15.. 

'Wow.. that's a whole lot of tests' I said, peering into the bag.

'Yeah, JJ cost me £150, because they're all good ones! I swear he did it on purpose' he chuckled. 'Your gonna need a to drink hell of a lot of water to use these!' he said, trying to make me laugh. I smiled slightly, but that was the best I could do right now. I drank some water to start off with, and opened my first three. I read the box carefully, making sure I did everything right; this was the first time I'd had to do this. 6 more glasses of water and a lot of pregnancy tests later, and we were waiting for the results to show. We sat on Aston's bed, waiting.

'Babe, it's time..' Aston told me, as he took my hand and we looked at the tests;
















4 negatives and 11 positives. I guess I was pregnant. My tears started again. Aston didn't say anything- he just stared at the wall. I stepped backwards, and slipped down the wardrobe onto the floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sobbed into them.

'How can you be pregnant?' he asked.

'What?' I sniffed, raising my head.

'We always use protection.. so how can you be pregnant?'

'I don't know!' I cried.

'If your pregnant.. Am I the father?'

'Do you think I cheated on you?!' I asked, slightly shocked. Aston didn't say anything.

'God, you think I cheated don't you! Do you honestly think I would to that to you?!' I shouted, standing up. He turned his head away from me and sighed. It felt like someone had stabbed me right through the heart. My own boyfriend thought I was a cheat, a liar. I stormed Aston's apartment, and ran down the street. 

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