Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was a normal day at school. I went through all my classes like usual. I had lunch, and I went home.

The only odd thing about the day was that when I got home, and got the mail, there was an envelope addressed to me. Not that it’s odd to get mail, but that the return address didn’t have a name.

As soon as I got in the door, I ran to my room, and shut the door. I went and sat down on my bed, and opened the envelope ever so slowly.

I hadn’t opened it completely, when I heard my phone buzz. It was a message from my best friend, Jessica.

From Jessica:

Hey! Omg text me back ASAP!!!!!!

I quickly responded.

To Jessica:

Hey! What’s the emergency?

From Jessica:

I need you to come to my house! I am drastically bored!

To Jessica:

Ok. I’m on the way. By the way, I have an uber weird letter to show to you!

From Jessica:

Ok! Just hurry your butt up and get over here! PRONTO!

I decided to stop texting her and leave. I grabbed my car keys off my bedside table, and quickly went to my car.

On the way to Jessica’s house, I got a call from my mom. She had wondered where I had run off to, so I simply told her the truth: Jessica’s house. And then she said: ok. And the call ended.

When I got to Jessica’s, I was bombarded by her trying to pull me out of my car. When I finally got out, she hugged me so tight I could hardly breathe.

“Hey!” was all I said.

“Hey? Hey? Hey is all you got to say?” typical Jessica, always wanting an outrageous hello.

“Sorry to disappoint you,

but I am thinking about something way too hard to say some crazy hello”

“Oh, well come on, I want to see what this letter of yours says”

“Well, I don’t even know what it says, so you’ll know when I do”

“You mean you haven’t opened it yet?”

“I was scared it was like some crazy stalker letter or something.”

“Well, whose it from?”

“Someone from Wolver Hampton, England.”

“Wow! That’s really weird! Let’s go find out!”

She dragged me into the house where we sat in the kitchen, at the island, opening my letter. As soon as I opened it, I read it out loud:

Dear Emily,

I understand you are probably a bit worried about who this is from I would just like to notify you that the people you call Mom and Dad, are truly not your parents. I’m sure you will probably be angry with them for not telling you all this time, but please understand it was for the best. I am your real birth mother. Along with your brother and two sisters, we live in England. I would like you to come and visit. I understand that this would be a big step in your life, and I completely understand if you wouldn’t want to. But please keep this in mind and think about it. If you do want to, the money and plane tickets are in the envelope. The only thing you would need to do is get a passport. There is money for you to use to pay for your letter to be mailed back to me. I would really like to see you, since I haven’t since you were born. And if it helps, I may add that your brother is in the famous boy-band, One Direction. He just happens to be Liam Payne! I would like to hear back from you to see what you say.

                                                                                                                                    With love,

The Payne Family

As soon as I looked up to see Jessica’s reaction, she smacked me on the face! OUCH! That hurt.

“What was that for?”

“Well, for 1, you didn’t tell me you were adopted. And for 2, you didn’t tell me you were related to THE Liam Payne!”

“I had no idea I was adopted, let alone did I know I was related to Liam Payne”

“Oh, well in that case, I’m sorry I smacked you on the face!”

I laughed at her, and she just looked at me. She wanted me to forgive her. Ha-ha.

“It’s ok, Jessica. I forgive you.”

“Yay!” she said so childishly.

I looked at the letter again and then almost ripped it into pieces. I have absolutely no idea what made me angrier, the fact that I was adopted or the fact that I didn’t find out until now, being 18. I decided it would be best just to not think about it until I was able to talk to my mom and dad personally about it.

When I had gotten home from Jessica’s house, I went straight into the living room where my parents were sitting. I went and sat down and sat on the couch. They looked at me, and I started off by saying

“Did you know I got a letter in the mail today?”

“Oh, isn’t that nice! Who was it from?” My mom said.

“Well, I’m not sure exactly what her name is, because she didn’t clarify that, but it was from the Payne family.”

Both of their faces were of pure shock. They probably never thought I would find out.

“What did it say?” Was all my dad could get out.

“It said that she was my true birth mother and that you guys had adopted me. She also said she would like me to visit. She wants me to write back.”

“You are old enough to make this decision. We trust you to make the right one. The Payne’s are lovely people and I’m sure you would absolutely love them.” My mom said, probably wanting me to say ‘I don’t know’.

All I could say was “Okay, I’ll think about it.” And then I left and went into my bedroom to right back to the Payne’s.

Payne Family,

To be honest, I wasn’t as angry as I thought I would be. I was more shocked that I was never told I was adopted, especially because I am now 18 and they kept it from me all this time. I guess I can understand why they did it but it still had shocked me. I am very pleased with your offer, and I do plan to think about it. I am very happy to hear that I have a brother and two sisters. I would very much love to visit you, but I still need some time to think about it. I am somewhat shocked to hear that my brother is Liam Payne from One Direction. Thank you. By the way, I wasn’t told what your name was, or my sisters, so if you would tell me, I would be very much obliged.

With Love,


As soon as I got finished writing the letter, I stuck it in an envelope, put stamps on it and put it on my bedside table to take to the post office. I was thinking what it would be like to visit with them. I wouldn’t be with them long, though, because I have school to tend to. It would probably make more since to just visit on a vacation break we have, but that is a little ways away.. I would definitely have to talk to Jessica about this. Definitely.

I was getting tired, and it was already 10:30 pm, so I decided I should get some sleep. Besides I would have to get up for school in the morning. I got in bed and slowly felt my eyes start to fall shut.

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