Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up from a horrible dream: I was being attacked by aliens, and they were taking out my organs.

I got up, went to the bathroom, and washed my face. I was so relieved it was Friday!

I went back into my bedroom, and grabbed my letter. I left the house and went to the post office. In my pajamas.

When I got back home I realized it was empty. I walked over to the fridge, and there was a note on it.

Emily, your father and I have gone out and won’t be home until late tonight.

With love, mom and dad.

I wasn’t too surprised that they had left without telling me first, they usually did. Most times they wouldn’t even leave a note.

I just went into my bedroom, grabbed my phone, and walked back to the kitchen. I was starving, so I decided to make some toast and eggs.

After I finished eating, I noticed I had a message from Jessica.

From Jessica:

Hey! Do you want to go have lunch or something?

To Jessica:

Well, actually, I just ate breakfast, so how about we go to the mall and search for hot guys?

From Jessica:

Okay! Sounds great!

To Jessica:

Do you want me to pick you up? Or what’s the plan?

From Jessica:

Doesn’t matter to me, whatever you want to do I guess.

To Jessica:

Ok! Let me get ready and I will be over in an hour or so.

From Jessica:

Ok! I will be here! J

With that, I went to the bathroom cleaned up a little bit, and started to officially get ready. I put on some natural colored makeup, along with mascara and eyeliner. After makeup, I went to my bedroom, and searched through my closet. I finally decided on a pair of blue TOMS, white short-shorts, and a see-through-ish tank that was blue and white striped, and a blue kami to go underneath.

After I finished getting dressed, I went back to the bathroom, and straightened my hair. I brushed through it to fix any fly-a ways, and finally left to pick up Jessica.

When we got to the mall, we walked around and talked about all the cute guys we noticed.

After a while, we got bored and decided to go home. On the way, I decided Jessica could just stay over so I didn’t have to drive as much, and of course she agreed.


At my house, we messed around, uploaded some YouTube videos, and other fun things.

We crashed at around 2am, and when we woke up, my room was a mess. There were pillows and blankets everywhere. I fell asleep in my desk chair, and Jessica fell asleep in my clothes hamper!

I got up, without waking Jessica, and checked the mail. To my surprise I already got a reply. That was a lot faster than I thought it would be! I went back inside to see Jessica still asleep in my hamper. What a dork.

I went to my desk and opened the letter.


You are quite welcome. I am very, very glad to hear that you are planning on visiting. I cannot wait! And any time is good. You are welcome to come whenever you like. Liam is quite busy, but I am absolutely positive he would take time off to meet you. I rang him up when I got the letter that said you were visiting. I think he is happier than I am. He is on a break for 3 weeks starting on 28 October, so if you would like to visit then, you are welcome to.

With love,


I was very glad to hear that I would be able to meet Liam! I immediately woke up Jessica by yelling in her face “Jessica! Wake up! I have to tell you something amazing!”

“Oh my God, what is so amazing that you had to wake me up?”

“Well I know when we are going to England, and I know for sure that we get to meet my brother!”

“Oh my God, that is amazing! But you didn’t have to wake me up! I’m sure it could’ve waited!”

“Well, actually, no it couldn’t have waited! We need to pack!”

“Why do we need to pack so soon? It’s not like we’re leaving tomorrow! Are we?”

“Not tomorrow, but quite soon.”

“How soon?”

 “Well, we are leaving on the 27th because Liam is on break for 3 weeks starting on the 28th.”

“Okay. That makes since now. Thank you, for telling me.”

“Yeah so come help me pack, and then I will take you to your house and help you pack.”

“Okay, but one more thing.”


“Isn’t the 27th in like less than 2 weeks?”

“Yeah, but if we don’t leave then, we probably won’t be able to meet Liam… or the rest of the guys.”

Jessica didn’t say anything, but by the look on her face, I could tell she understood. She helped me pack all the things I needed and then I drove us to her house for her to pack.

After all her things were packed, we went back to my house. I called my mom:

“Hey mom, since you won’t be home until late tonight, I figured I should just tell you now that Jessica and I are going to England in less than 2 weeks.”

“Ok, honey. Have fun!”

“Ok, thanks mom. Bye.”

“Bye, love you.”

“I love you too.”

Call ends.

Seriously it was like she was like I was leaving tomorrow. Her reaction didn’t at all surprise me, because I’m basically raising myself as it is.

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