Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

When I woke up on Monday the 28th, I could hear people in the other room and the shower running in the bathroom Jessica and I were sharing.

I checked the time and it was 10:17am. I knew Jessica was in the shower, so I just sat in bed until she got out, so I could get in.

After a little while, Jessica appeared out of the bathroom dressed, with makeup and hair done. She came over and sat by me.

“You can get in now. I will wait out here for you.”

“Thanks, but don’t you want to go and wait with people instead of by yourself?”

“I would, but the guys are all there and I am not going by myself.”

“Works for me, I won’t take long. I don’t want you to get bored.”

“It’s fine take as long as you need.”

“Ok.” I got up and searched through my drawers and grabbed my clothes and got into the shower.

I thought, I saw a man brought to life

He was warm, he came around and he was dignified

He showed me what it was to cry

Well, you couldn't be that man I adored

You don't seem to know

Seem to care what your heart is for

But I don't know him anymore

There's nothing where he used to lie

The conversation has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's fine, I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see

The perfect sky is torn

You're a little late, I'm already torn

I sang some of “Torn” and a little while after I was done. I quickly got dressed, put my hair in a messy bun, did my makeup light, and left the bathroom.

Jessica was still sitting on my bed like before, she saw me come out and she jumped up.

“Ready?” she asked cautiously.

“Yeah, just let me get my phone.”

I grabbed my phone and we left the room, shutting off the lights and closing the door behind us.

When we got into the living room, we saw all of the One Direction boys, but no mom.

“Hey Liam, where’s mom?” saying mom sounded so different coming out of my mouth.

“She left us to ‘bond’” Liam said making air quotations around the word bond with his fingers.

“Oh, okay.”

“I’m hungry.” Jessica said as polite as possible.

“Me, too.” I said agreeing with her.

“There’s cereal in the cabinet, milk in the fridge, toast on the counter, and orange juice in glasses on the table along with the bowls, spoons, and plates.” Harry Styles said looking up from his phone.

“There is also Yorkshire Tea in the pot on the counter.” Louis Tomlinson said with a smile.

I smiled back and went into the kitchen with Jessica to eat.

After we finished eating, we cleaned up and went back into the living room.

We were about to sit down when, Louis introduces himself.

“Hello, I’m Louis Tomlinson!”

“Hi, I’m Emily, Liam’s sister, and this is Jessica my best friend.” He shook both of our hands and I couldn’t help but laugh at the way Jessica made a face.

“I’m Harry Styles.”

“I’m Niall Horan.”

“I’m Zayn Malik.”

“And we’re One Direction.” They all said in unison.

Jessica and I burst out laughing! It wasn’t even that funny, but somehow it was funny enough for it to make us laugh. I laughed so hard I had to grab my stomach because I could feel a 6-pack coming on.

After a lot of laughing we calmed down and took our seats.

The guys exchanged looks, and then just started babbling about the most random things. I tried to keep up but it was just so hard. One of them asked me a question, but I wasn’t paying attention so I had to ask them to repeat themselves:

“Sorry, what?”

“How old are you?” It was Louis who asked.

“Oh, I just turned 18, and Jessica will be 18 next month.” I responded quickly and tried not to seem bored.

“That’s fantastic.” Zayn said out of nowhere.

“So, are you girls single, or does someone hold the key to your heart?” Harry said. Of course, he was the ‘flirt’.

“We are both currently single. Why do you ask?” Jessica always had her suspicions.

“Oh, I was just curious.” He said with a wink and his signature cheeky smile.

I had just remembered that I was supposed to remind Jessica to call her parents.

“Oh my God, Jessica, I forgot to remind you to call your parents!”

“Oh yeah, thanks, Em!” She got up and dialed her parents while walking into the kitchen for more quiet.

“So, Emily, why would someone like you not have a boyfriend?” Louis asked out of the blue.

“I don’t know. Why?”

“Well, because usually all the pretty girls have boyfriends.”

“Then I guess I’m not pretty.” I said with a small grin.

“You are right. You are beautiful.”

I smiled an idiotic smile and said “Thank you, Louis. But no, I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Can I offer you one?” he said so innocently and Liam glared at him.

“It depends on who you’re offering.”

“Hmmm, who would you prefer?”

“I don’t know someone who makes me happy.”

“I can arrange that.” Louis finished with a wink.

A few minutes after Louis’ and my conversation, Jessica came back into the room.

“Hey, Jess! What did your mom say?” I asked.

“She said to have fun and enjoy myself while I was here.”

“That’s good, and we are going to do just that!” I said with a cheerful smile.

I looked over at the boys, Niall was eating skittles, Zayn was on his phone, Harry was looking and smiling at Jessica, Louis looking at me with a grin on his face, and Liam glaring at Louis. When I looked at Jessica she seemed to be lost in Harry’s green eyes. I on the other hand would not let on that I liked Louis. I could tell he was an outgoing person, and that he seemed to be very romantic, but I won’t let him know I like him. Not yet.

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