Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It’s been 5 weeks. I’ve been talking to Louis and the other boys regularly. At school, everyone is always asking me questions and telling me things like:

“Oh my God, are you seriously dating Louis Tomlinson?”

“I am so freaking jealous!”

“How the hell does someone like you end up with someone like him?” that one hurt, but I got over it.

“I am so happy for you. If I were you, I would definitely make the most out of your relationship.”

“I would so totally be freaking awesome if I were dating him.”

And there were some rather harsh comments such as:

“Louis doesn’t deserve someone as ugly as you!”

“I bet Louis is just trying to make you feel better.”

I tried to pop them out of my head, but the just popped back in there. I would tell Louis, and he would try to comfort me. I guess this is the hate that I get. It hurts but I’m sure I’ll get over it.

Jessica and I get out of school a month early to be with the boys. I’m not really sure why, but I guess I’m glad because that means I get to see them sooner, and Jessica is with us longer.


The day finally came. Mine and Jessica’s flight is tomorrow morning at 10. We packed everything we needed. We had quite a lot of luggage. Six bags each, is probably what we squished all our things in.

We made sure to get a good night sleep, and be ready for tomorrow.

We got to the airport at 9:45am and sat there for 15 minutes. I checked my phone, and Jessica checked hers. She had five messages from Harry:

‘Hey, I can’t wait to see you!’

‘Hey, how are you?’

‘Hey, love.’

‘Hello, I think I miss you.’

‘Oh Jesus, text me back!’

Jessica couldn’t help but blush and smile. I’m not sure what she responded, but by the time she finished, our flight was being called.

Be boarded the plane and I had to sit by a fat, stinky, old man. Jessica sat by a 5 year old kid.


The flight went well, I guess. When we got off the plane, grabbed our luggage, and went into the seating area. We sat there for five minutes before we spotted Paul.

Paul saw us before we saw him, so he was already headed towards us. I waved and he smiled and waved back.

Paul came over to us, helped us with our bags, and we started walking to the car waiting. On the way through the airport, we heard screams from all over. I turned and saw tons of fans! Yet the boys weren’t even with us.

When we got to the car, Paul put our things in the trunk and got into the passenger’s seat. Jessica and I got into the back seats and took out our phones. I looked over to see who she was texting, and of course, it was Harry. I showed her I was texting Louis, and we both giggled. Louis texted me three times.

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