Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

We leave for tour in two days. I had already packed everything and Jessica was packing now. I had a bit of a head cold and decided to stay in bed for the day.

After 3:00pm, I got bored of being in bed, so I went into the kitchen for some water. When I walked in there I saw Niall, Liam, and Zayn sitting in the living room.

“Hello, Emily. Are you feeling better?” Liam asked when he saw me.

“Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better, actually.”

“That’s good. Are you and Jessica all packed?”

“Jessica is still packing now. I’ve been packed for a while.”

“Ok, that’s good.”

“Where are Harry and Louis?” I asked no one in particular.

“Harry went to the grocery store for something, and Louis is in his room.” Niall said.

“Ok, thanks guys.”

“You’re welcome, love.” Niall and Liam said. Zayn was on his phone, paying very little attention.

I went upstairs to Louis’ room and knocked on the door. He opened the door immediately and let me in. he was packing his things, but it made a huge mess in his room.

“Hey, what happened in here?” I asked as I made room for myself on his bed.

“I’m packing.” Louis said staring at his mess.

“I understand that, but why did you make such a big mess?”

“I threw everything out so I can pick the best clothes I have for tour, but I think I need help.”

“Would you like me to help you?”

“Would you, please?”

“Of, course.”

I helped him pack everything he needed, and then we cleaned the rest of his room.

It took around 3 hours to complete all of this and after we finished Louis asked “So, how are you feeling? You look a lot better.”

“Ha-ha, I feel great.”

“Good. I’m hungry.”

“Me, too.”

We got up and went downstairs to the kitchen to eat. Of course Louis can’t cook, so I made some grilled-cheeses.

We ate and then sat in the living room with everyone else.

“I would like to say, since we are leaving in two days, we have to have everything on the tour bus by tomorrow at 3pm.” Liam announced.

“Ok, sounds easy enough.” I said not even thinking.

“Are you kidding? We are going to have paparazzi and fans crowding us all around.” Niall said laughing.

“Oh, yeah, I didn’t even think about that. Sorry.” I said feeling completely stupid.

“It’s alright, babe. You forgot.” Louis said trying to make me feel better.

“So, anyway, Paul wants to have a ‘meeting’ with all of us tomorrow over dinner. He needs to go over the basics with us, especially because we have two people joining us.” Liam said, motioning towards Jessica and me.

“Ok. We should probably hit the hay. We’ve got a big day ahead of us.” Jessica said getting up and heading to bed, with Harry following her.

“What does ‘hit the hay’ mean?” Niall asked.

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