Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Today was the first show. The show was at 6 and there was a signing before the show from 3:45 to 5:45pm.

Jessica and I were going to the concert, but didn’t know about the signing. It was noon, and I was sitting on the couch in mine and Louis’ hotel room. He came in the room in his sweats and sat down next to me. He pinched my toes and smiled.

“Hey.” I said.



“Are you going to the signing later?”

“I dunno. Probably not, me and Jessica don’t want to get in your guys’ way.”

“You wouldn’t get in our way. I’m sure you’d be able to sit at the tables with us. The fans will love. They would most likely be nicer to you if they met you in person anyway.”

“Well, I just don’t know. I guess I will talk to Jessica about it. We might. I guess it just depends.”

“Ok, but at the concert, meet Paul by the front gate, and he will bring you back stage.”

“Alright, I’m going to go take a shower and get ready, and then I will go over and talk to Jessica.”

I got up and kissed Louis lightly and walked into the bedroom. I grabbed what I needed and went into the bathroom.

The water felt nice on my skin, it soothed me, and made me calm.

After the shower, I got dressed. I put on some dark denim skinny jeans, a light blue and see-through striped shirt, a skin-colored tank top to go underneath, and a pair of light blue TOMS.

I blow-dried my hair and curled it loosely. I put on my make-up, and left the bathroom. I grabbed my phone and went over to talk to Jessica.

Jessica was wearing about the same colors I was. Well, great minds think alike.

She was wearing a light blue blazer, a black tank-top, black skinny jeans, and light blue flats. Her hair was curled and she was wearing the same color of make-up.

“Hey, so like Louis wants us to go to the signing. I told him I’d talk to you about it before giving him an exact answer.” I said and smile as I looked at Jessica.

“I don’t care, as long as we don’t get in there way. I don’t want to interrupt them and their fans.”

“That’s basically what I said. He said we won’t and that the fans would love us.”

“Ok, sure, but I don’t think I plan on staying the whole time. I would get extremely bored sitting there doing nothing for two hours.”

“Yeah. And by the way, I love the outfit.”

“You too.” she said while laughing I waved to her and Harry, who was also in his sweats, and walked back to Louis.

“Aye, sexy lady!”

“Hey. We will come to the signing but we won’t stay the whole time.”

“Yay!!! Thanks, babe.”

“No problem.”

“We have to be at the performing center in an hour. Let’s go down to the lobby and wait for the others.”

“Ok,” Louis grabbed my hand and we went downstairs in the elevator. There were tons of fans outside the hotel and millions of camera flashes.

We sat down on a sofa and waited for 5 minutes for everyone else to come down. When we were all together, we went outside and piled into the van.

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