a girl that's determined not to give into her best friend's ex-boyfriend and cousins offer of finally having a family.
in which rihanna swan is an age-regressor and is the imprint of sam uley and emily young, she hates them, doesn't want to give...
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"SHE ACTUALLY SAID THAT TO YOU?" Leah's voice bounced off the walls.
"Yeah, some sister she is." Rihanna said rolling her eyes.
"Did Jacob say anything? Do I need to kick that kids ass?" Leah said cracking her knuckles causing the older Swan to laugh.
"No, he actually stayed quiet for once." Rihanna truthfully said.
"Hey, so you wanna sleepover instead tonight? I still have one of your outfits from last time you stayed." Leah asked with a smile.
"Yeah sure! But can Sue ask my dad because he'll say no to me." The blue-eyed girl begged.
"Moms the one who came up with the idea, and she kinda already told your dad, so." Leah said looking away.
"Oh, so, your just asking me even though it was already planned, wow thanks, Leah." The girl said sarcastically.
Leah laughed and shakes her head, "I also have your sippycup, your pacifier and your teddy that you left along with your clothes."
"They're my backups, Lee-Lee." She said babyishly, hiding her blush.
"I know baby, I know." She said kissing Rihanna on the crown of her head.
Rihanna giggles and sat next to Leah watching some cartoons on her tv. But not long after hanging a girl time, Seth came hurling in looking at both girls.
"You're staying!" He said hugging the brunette who looked surprised, since she was in little space.
"Sethy, I's can't breathe." She struggled slightly, with a small smile.
"Sorry, little Anna." He said kissing her cheek before setting her down.
He looked at Leah, "can I dress her?" He asks excitedly.
Leah glared, "no you pervert, I'll be dressing her."
Seth pouted, "now out!" Leah states slamming the door on him.
Once Leah walked over to Rihanna, she put on a Micky mouse jumper (sweater) over her head, she put on black kitty knee-high socks. She plopped her black pacifier in her mouth.
She had her little bear in her arms while she watched Leah make food. Seth stared at her and commented on how adorable she was, causing her to giggle and clap her hands.
While waiting for the microwave to beep to say that the noodles were ready. "Leah I need a hug." The little said, pouting.
Leah smiles and rolled her eyes hugging the little close to her while Seth pouted. "Where's my hug?"
━━━❃━━━ edited! thanks for reading! edited: poor seth lmao.
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