a girl that's determined not to give into her best friend's ex-boyfriend and cousins offer of finally having a family.
in which rihanna swan is an age-regressor and is the imprint of sam uley and emily young, she hates them, doesn't want to give...
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THE PACK AND EMILY SAT IN THE KITCHEN discussing things about Rihanna. They were telling their new recruit Embry everything, about how she is also a little and how she's being a brat. They had also realised that she has been ignoring the Clearwater's, but they wanted to help her. They knew they had tried to force her, but if she kept this up, she was either going to be sick or she will die.
"What if one of us just sneak into her room and grab some of her stuff and just give it to you guys? And you guys have an idea of what she likes?" Embry the one with brains said.
Everyone just stares it him with smiles, "good idea Embry, you will sneak into her room, it was your idea after all." Sam says with a small smirk, knowing the new wolf was shy and hated getting into trouble.
"Me and my big mouth." Embry mumbles to himself grimly.
Embry stood outside Rihanna's window and sighed, Charlie wasn't here, neither was Bella since she was out with Jacob. But Rihanna she was in there, but her breathing was heavy and slow, that must have meant she was sleeping. He sighed and made his way up to the window and gently lifted up her window and climbed in.
"Okay, so sneak into her room and grab some stuff that she likes to give Sam and Emily the idea. okay, I can do this." He mumbles to himself before jumping up onto the tree and slipping through her unlocked window. He let out a breath of relief at what he saw.
He saw her laying under her covers, sleeping peacefully. He looked around the room and smiled before looking around, he searched the drawers and found a lot of pacifiers, and found onesies and found a small box in her wardrobe, it was filled to the brim with bottles and sippycups so of course he took a couple.
"Mommy! Daddy!"
Embry flinched and spun around on his heels, and gently shut the wardrobe before striding quietly towards the whimpering girl. Who kept yelling out 'mommy' and 'daddy.'
He gently laid his hand on her head and cooed into her ear hushing her slightly. She quietened down before turning over and pushing herself closer to the warm – masculine hand. Embry smiled and put all the stuff in the backpack that draped over his shoulder. He tip toed to the window and jumped out, landing on the grass below.
He ran off into the woods and back to Sam and Emily's, he opened the door causing the three wolves and Emily to look at him, he set the bag down and emptied it.
"Also I had to calm her down, she was yelling 'mommy daddy.'" This caused Sam to hold Emily tighter and the two other wolves to look at their alpha and his imprint with frowns.
"Well, at least we know what she's into now, right?" Paul said holding up one of her binkies, while Jared holds the sippycup.
Emily held one of the onesies and one of the bottles, while Sam held the rest. "Sam, we were worried about this whole thing, when we should have known it was normal baby things, just adult sized."
"Yeah, I see that now Em, also Embry thank you for the idea and taking care of Rihanna when she was having a nightmare." Sam said smiling before looking at the things again.
━━━❃━━━ edited! a little short!
finally added our adorable embry the one who has the brains! tell me what you thought about this chapter and what you think should happen next.
next chapter will be up soon!
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