thirty three

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BELLA CAME HOME UPSET AND SOAKED from the rain, Rihanna listened to her complain to Charlie about Jacob, leaving her and not wanting to be her friend anymore, saying that he left to join Sam Uley's cult. Cult? Rihanna thought you herself, that's a first. A cult, hmm more like a band of strippers.

It was like this for two weeks, she had made up with Leah when she explained it. Explaining that it was okay, that she would always be Rihanna's big sister, that she was trying to fix her relationship with both her cousin and her ex boyfriend, she had Leah hugged it out and she promised Leah she'd try. But she couldn't make promises.

Bella stormed in ruining Rihanna from her thoughts, "we are going to go looking for the meadow, Edward and I have."

"What makes you think I'm going?" She gives Bella a blank stare.

"I'll tell dad that you let me go all alone." She said, Rihanna glares. Liar.

She puts on her coat and follows her younger sister out the door. Then walked out following behind Bella, having a bad feeling twist a knot in the pit of her stomach, staring at her oblivious little sister who was determined to find this place, she explained to her, apparently it was beautiful with all the flowers surrounding them as they laid down.

And what came out of Rihanna's mouth was; "You guys had a meadow? Wow, how cheesy."

Which earned a glare from Bella, who rolled her eyes. Still walking ahead, but she paused, and pushed through more leaves.

"This is it." She breathed.

Rihanna raised an eyebrow and looked around, everything was dead, dry and all weeds. She looked at her little sister, "where are all the pretty flowers you said there was?"

Bella ignored her older sister, and started touching the grass, smiling.

Rihanna looked over and there was Laurent, she gasped catching the youngest's attention. "Laurent."

"Bella, Rihanna, I didn't expect to find you here." He said, looking at both of them as if they were dinner.

"I went to visit Cullen's, but the house is empty, I'm surprised they left both of you behind, weren't you guys some sort of pet of theirs?" He questions circling both of them.

"Yeah you could say that." Bella answered, making Rihanna look at her as if she was crazy for answering him back.

"Do the Cullen's visit often?"

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