a girl that's determined not to give into her best friend's ex-boyfriend and cousins offer of finally having a family.
in which rihanna swan is an age-regressor and is the imprint of sam uley and emily young, she hates them, doesn't want to give...
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EVERYONE SAT OUTSIDE OF THE HOSPITAL ROOM the only people that where aloud in were the Clearwater family and Rihanna herself. The pack and the elders had already been in but the Clearwater's wanted to talk to him. Everyone had tears running down their faces, Sue looked the worst out of them all. Rihanna sat silently in Seth's lap and watched sadly as they spoke. She could feel Seth's arms tightening around her, as he put her on the ground leaving with Sue and Leah.
"Come here, little one." He said, his voice sounding rough.
She walked over to his bed and sat down where Sue had previously sat, "now listen closely, If anyone tries to walk all over you when I'm gone, put your foot down and stand up for yourself."
"I-I promise I will. Especially against Charlie, I'm old enough to make my own choices a-and I love mommy and daddy!" She declares, watching as Harry gave her big grin.
"That's the spirit!" He says, "and if they don't listen pull them by the ear, and beat them up."
Rihanna let out some chuckles, she loved Harry, he was her father all along, they laughed and talked about things until Harry's breathing grew weaker and his eyes began to close. The older Swan's eyes widen and shook Harry.
"Harry! Please answer me!" She said, Harry opened his eyes one final time.
"Take c-care of my f-family..........and m-my tribe." He whispers as a cough erupted from him, his brown eyes finally shut, and his breathing stopped. The machine next to him stopped beeping as it was a on going noise, she looked at the line and cried.
Sue busted through the door and watched as the girl was having a meltdown, she looked at Harry and started crying again herself. Leah and Seth stood at the door, both began to shake, as the cried.
Embry, Paul, Jared and Jacob pushing the two out the door. The two began to push and yell at them to let them go, Emily stood and feared for Leah but went in to comfort her baby. Sam was already in the holding her close to him.
"D-Daddy go, go and help Lee-Lee and Sethy." Her voice begged. He nodded and looked over to Emily who comforted Sue.
Rihanna ended up joining the hug, meeting the eyes of Charlie who stood there in distraught but also glaring at Rihanna. She sighed and hugged closer to the two woman.
Rihanna sighed as she was sitting in one of the hospital rooms by herself, the nurses had to physically drag her away from the older man's body. She stared out of the window letting the sunbeams hit her face, she had managed to calm down and feel really bad for the Clearwater's as they have just lost someone so dear to them and now being wolves to add it all on top of the list.