a girl that's determined not to give into her best friend's ex-boyfriend and cousins offer of finally having a family.
in which rihanna swan is an age-regressor and is the imprint of sam uley and emily young, she hates them, doesn't want to give...
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IT HAD BEEN A COUPLE OF DAYS AND Sam, Emily, Harry, Sue and Billy were waiting on Charlie Swan to get here for a meeting. They know Rihanna wanted nothing to do with them, but every time she meets him out in the woods, she cries and tells him everything and it makes him angry. It even made Paul angry when he heard her talk, but when they began to play the other night with her, he was happy. She gave them both a name, Moon and silver.
Soon everyone heard a car pull up, they all knew it was Charlie. Sam had to put on his firm posture so that he looked intimidating and not to mess with him. He and Emily will get Rihanna if it's the last thing they do, they need her, and if she keeps rejecting them she will die, they won't because they still have each other and they've accepted it, nothing bad will happen to them, it will feel like they've lost their other half. So they have to keep her with them, and hopefully she will accept it.
She got up and let Charlie in and sat next to Emily, while Charlie took a seat across from them next to Harry. He simply stared at them while Harry looked over at him.
"Charlie, we called you here because Sam and Emily would like to take custody of Rihanna. We know Rihanna is nineteen but we both know she can't take care of herself, so Sam and Emily would like to take her in, their both legal adults." Harry explains to Charlie, who recoiled. He needed Rihanna to take care of Bella and the house. Rihanna can take care of herself she was just being an attention seeker.
"Harry, I can assure you Rihanna is perfectly fine, she's taking care of her little sister when I'm not there. Just like she should be." Sam started to get upset, Paul and Jared walked in at the right time and leaned against the wall.
"She needs us, you've been treating her like a house maid." Sam said glaring at the older man in front of him, "we love her."
Emily laughs nervously, "what Sam is trying to say is, you and Renee don't have time for her anymore, and all you seem to care about is the younger one. We love Rihanna like our own, and we just want her to come stay with us, you can still see her of course."
Sue nods, "she's right Charlie, you're like a brother to Harry and Billy. But we can't just sit back and watch how you're breaking her."
"She's fine, she's just being an attention seeker. My main focus is on Bella, because look at the state she's in, she needs me more. Rihanna is a big girl, and she takes care of her little sister and the house while I'm gone. It's her job she's almost twenty. She needs to learn." He explains, not liking being ganged up on.
Paul and Jared shake, but Sam sends them a look to get out. Which they do, he then turns to Charlie, and he wasn't going to ask again. They will get their pup. "Charlie, we want custody of Rihanna, we will take good care of her, we know she's nineteen, but we all know she has a childlike mind." Sam pushes.
Charlie glares at Sam and shakes his head, "no, I'm her father I say what happens to her, she will stay and take care of her little sister and the house, but if you care that much about her you can visit her all you want. But you will never get my daughter."
Sam shakes, while Sue speaks up. "She can stay with us on Fridays to Mondays, Leah and Seth are missing her so much. They haven't seen her in a while."
Charlie shakes his head, "that isn't necessarily, Sue, Ri–" He was cut off by Harry.
"No, Charlie we insist, she can stay with us for four days and three nights." Billy also nods his head liking the idea.
Charlie gives in. "Fine, but no more talking about custody's."
He finally got up and left, slamming the door behind him. Everyone sat in silence, Sue gave her niece and Sam a soft smile.
"You know, you guys can come over anytime when she's there." Sue smirks, "we can all see the look she gives whenever Leah mentions your names, she really loves you guys, but denies it because she doesn't want to hurt Leah."
"Did you guys know Leah wants you two to take care of her?" Harry mentions, causing them to look at him.
"Leah, knows she's been around you guys. She also knows you two are better than Charlie, so she wants Rihanna to stay with you guys, but she's going to explain all this to Rihanna. Because we all know the older Swan is stubborn as a mule." Harry explains, while Sam and Emily smile at each other, they might actually have a chance at this.
"Keep your chins up." Billy said, while Sue wheeled him out. They nodded at them while they all left and started embracing each other.
"I love you." Sam cooed at Emily kissing her scars.
"I love you too, Sammy." She said before they shared a kiss.
━━━❃━━━ edited!
I know she's nineteen and she should just move out, but please read properly before you comment, "she's nineteen, she's a legal adult." So please read what I write carefully, she can't have a job because she can't take care of herself correctly.
i swear charlie is going to be dead soon, i feel like your all going to murder him xd.
lets start a cult #saverihanna! x
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