a girl that's determined not to give into her best friend's ex-boyfriend and cousins offer of finally having a family.
in which rihanna swan is an age-regressor and is the imprint of sam uley and emily young, she hates them, doesn't want to give...
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RIHANNA TURNED HER HEAD AND SAW THE woman who hurt Leah staring at her along with Sam Uley, Leah's ex-boyfriend. "N-Nice to meet you." She said bowing her head slightly.
"It's nice to meet you too." The scarred woman said.
"Here you go dear." Sue said handing her, a spear sippycup that had apple juice inside of it.
"Thankies!" She shouts, but earns a stern look from both of them.
"Inside voices." Sue spoke, staring at the girl who was drinking out of the cup.
Rihanna nods and smiles slightly at the two older woman before going back to Seth and Leah. Who stared at her intensely.
"Are you big Anna or little Anna?" Seth asks, looking back to Leah who's holding the pacifier.
"Wittle." She said giggling, making grabby hands towards Leah who picked her up.
"Someone's a tired baby, huh?" Leah said catching the attention of Sue and Emily.
Leah grabbed her sippycup and put the pacifier into the girls pink lips. "How about I put you down for a little nap, hm."
The tired girl nodded her head waved at Seth who waved back as Leah took her upstairs. Past Sam and Harry who came back in, Sam and Rihanna made eye contact; he gave her a smile after she shut her eyes.
An hour later once she woke up she was with Seth in his room laughing as he tickled her, and messed up her hair.
"C'mon, you can't catch me!" He teased running out of his room, and downstairs.
"Sethy, wait!" She shouts. Running down the stairs only to miss her footing. Again.
Yet again, she banged into a naked chest, that made her face burn up. She looked up slowly to see Sam staring down at her, his eyes full of concern; he had a line crease across his forehead.
"Be careful, little one." He spoke, bending down to fix her show lace.
Once he finished he ruffled her hair and gave her a smile.
"T-Thanks." She mumbled giving him an awkward smile.
"You're welcome, little one." He said before walking away.
She shook her head, "what was that?" She thought ignoring the pull towards him. "It's probably nothing."
Nothing she thought? No this was just the beginning.
━━━❃━━━ edited! short chapter!
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