a girl that's determined not to give into her best friend's ex-boyfriend and cousins offer of finally having a family.
in which rihanna swan is an age-regressor and is the imprint of sam uley and emily young, she hates them, doesn't want to give...
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SAM STAYED ON HIS SIDE WAITING FOR HIS LITTLE GIRL TO WAKE UP while Emily was downstairs making breakfast. As she fell asleep on his lap yesterday she never woke up, he decided to take her up to his and Emily's room. Tucking her in as she slept, he took her thumb out of her mouth before going back downstairs.
But staring at her now she looks so peaceful her long brown locks spread across the pillow and her body shifting into Sam's warmth, keeping her had on his naked, chiseled – chest. Her pouty lips opened slightly, as light snores come out.
His muscular hand ran through her hair, hitting each knot. He chuckled when her eye opened a little before shutting again, "morning bumblebee, can you open those pretty blue eyes for me, huh baby."
She let out a quiet yawn and slowly opened her eyes, her big blue eyes stared at Sam's brown ones, tiredly. Her cheeks flushed pink as soon as she noticed she was laying on his naked chest. She flung herself up and tumbled herself on the bed, the sheets tangled around her legs. She let out a whine as Sam laughed.
Sam sat up and untangled her and picked her up, sitting her up on his hips. "Mworning." Her voice was little, and quiet; he was glad he had super hearing.
"You ready for breakfast hmm? Some nice warm freshly baked pancakes in your tummy?" He asked, watching her eyes sparkle.
"Pwancakes?" She asked very quickly, she absolutely loved pancakes, especially with maple syrup.
"Oh, you like pancakes?" He asked teasingly, raising his eyebrows.
"I wove pwancakes!" She yells, giggling. "Lee-Lee always makes me some!"
Sam smiled, of course Leah Clearwater's famous pancakes. Sue taught her how to cook and look after herself, he missed Leah she wasn't like Emily, she was more brave, more fierce. But Emily is docile, gentle and treats the pack as if she's a mother to them.
"Do you like bacon, eggs and sausages?" He asked his little girl.
"Me wike bacon and sausages, not eggs." Rihanna said, staring at Sam who smiles picking her up.
Rihanna rapped her left arm around the back of his neck, as he got up and headed out of the door. They walked downstairs causing all eyes to focus on them, Emily smiled and grabbed a pillow from the living room and set it down on the chair, to make it better for her baby to sit up and reach the table. Paul and Jared looked at each other and smiled, sharing the same thought. Happy family.
Sam sat Rihanna down and smiled sitting on her left as Emily handed out a pile of fluffy pancakes, while giving Rihanna her own along with herself. She sat on the right side of Rihanna and helped her decorate her pancakes in chocolate sauce and slices of bananas. She also cut up her pancakes it triangles for Rihanna while handing her a fork.
Rihanna ate in silence with her face covered in chocolate sauce, but the two wolves in front of them looked no different. Sam and Emily both chatted while taking glances at their little girl.
Rihanna's hands were sticky and greasy from the sauce, bacon and sausages. Sam obviously ate her eggs and when Emily was gonna tell at him he explained she doesn't like eggs.
Rihanna was very content at the moment, she knew she wasn't meant to be here. She didn't even want to be but, she couldn't be bothered moving, she actually liked what this was. The love and affection they gave her, treating her as if she was their baby girl. She shook her head at the thought and was snapped out as Emily took away all the dishes and Sam, grabbed a wet cloth and cleaned the brunette's face and hands.
Sam smiles and carefully places her on his lap as he sat down on the couch. Rihanna plopped her thumb back into her mouth, cuddling close to him watching as he flicked through the children channels, and stopped when she told him too; as soon as she saw Barbie Princess and the Pauper.
She was still cuddling into Sam as lunch came around, her mind was telling her to get up and think of Leah. But another half of her mind told her to stay put, bringing back up the memory of Victoria wanting her. Her breathing became slower before her heart rate picked up, Sam stared at her and watched as tears pricked her eyes, hearing her breathing become faster.
He sat her up onto his lap and frowned, "Rihanna, breathe." He said firmly.
Emily was watching with worried eyes, her thoughts were full of concern. She knew that all of this was too much for someone who is so small, for someone who has the mind and personality as a child.
"You're okay Rihanna, follow my breathes okay?" He said keeping eye contact with her blue ones.
"1,2,3, in." He said taking a breathe, causing her to copy, "1,2,3, out."
"That's it bumblebee, concentrate on me." He told her and watched as she became calm once more. Soon her breathing became normal as her heartbeat, Emily brought over a cup of water that Sam took and helped Rihanna take.
After the couple gulps Sam set the cup down and watched as she sucked on her thumb once more, tracing her index finger along his tattoo, before laying down on his chest.
━━━❃━━━ edited! longer chapter!
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