a girl that's determined not to give into her best friend's ex-boyfriend and cousins offer of finally having a family.
in which rihanna swan is an age-regressor and is the imprint of sam uley and emily young, she hates them, doesn't want to give...
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THE NEXT DAY HEARING CHARLIE compliment Bella on how great she was compared to the older Swan she couldn't handle it anymore. This is why she hates her family, it's never about her it's always about Bella, her little sister who's the greatest. Well, not in her book, was she jealous? Yes. But wouldn't you be if your parents only liked one child and favouritized your little sister, always choosing her and not you.
Well, staring out the window looking down at Billy and Jacob welcoming Bella, was the older Swan. She sat rolling her eyes as Jacob was showing her the love sick, puppy look.
She couldn't help but think; puppy crush. Jacob never really liked her, he always calls her a freak just for wearing clothes that make her feel good about herself. She's comfortable with it, so why not just let it be.
She's still in high school she was kept behind, so she could learn what she missed out. She wasn't very clever in school but she tries her best.
She looked down at her outfit, she wore a pastel blue and purple coloured jumper (sweater). Black leggings and purple converse ankle-boots, with her hair up in a ponytail.
She got up and sighed, she was going to go see if Leah wanted to hang out today. Even though she was going tomorrow because of her ex-boyfriend and her cousin.
She walked down the steps and headed out the door, she was greeted by her father and Billy. While Bella and Jacob looked as if she grew another head.
"What are you wearing?" Bella asks looking at her older sister who was dressed like a toddler.
"Um, clothes?" Rihanna said staring the obvious rolling her eyes.
"But you're dressed like a child?" She said meeting her older sisters eyes.
"And you're dressed like a homeless person." The blue-eyed girl fired back.
"All I'm saying is your not a child, so take it off and go act like a grown up." Bella stated feeling embarrassed of her sisters choices.
"Bella, this is my choice, my lifestyle. I will not change just because I look weird, funny or like a freak. I don't care about your or anyone else's opinions, this is me and I will never change for anyone." Rihanna states proudly, crossing her arms over her chest. Looking towards her father and Billy who are carrying on.
"I'm just saying, you look embarrassing." Bella mumbled.
"I didn't ask for your wrong opinion." The older Swan said glaring at her younger sister before walking off.