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RIHANNA HAD SAT WITH THE CULLEN'S AT LUCH, but she got looks from her younger sister and her friends. She could see them looking at her and whispering about her, some even looked at her with disgust; no doubt Bella told them about her being into age regression.

Rosalie growled quietly and held Emmett's hand tightly, over Rihanna since she was sitting in between them. They even gave her a gentle squeeze.

Emmett had passed his food to the younger girl, making sure she ate. She looked like she was just a bag of bones and was just smaller than usual, not to mention she started to eat as if she had been starved.

"So Rihanna, what's your favourite colour?" Alice ask staring at her with her big warm eyes.

"I's like blue." She mutters.

"What's your favourite animal?" Rosalie asks, playing with young girls hat.

"A-An elephant." She says giggling.

"Aww, you're so adorable!" Emmett says making a face, towards the saffron eyed girl; who laughed even more.

While Rosalie and Emmett talked the young her girl couldn't help but think about Sam and Emily. But she knew it was wrong, she looked up to see Edward giving her a weird look, but what she didn't know was that Edward now knew why she smelt like wet dog.

"You're sister isn't really as nice as she looks." Rosalie said, glaring Bella's way.

"Yeah, everyone loves her." Rihanna said, looking down at the table.

"Not me, you're my favourite." Rosalie said, holding Rihanna's small hand.

"Yeah, you'll always be our favourite." Emmett joined in smiling down at her.

"That's right, little lady." Jasper said, looking intently at the older Swan.

"Yep! We'll always put you first." Alice said, giving her a cute smile.

Edward doesn't say anything but stares at Bella, but for once Rihanna felt loved. She's always felt it with the Clearwater's but never had she imagined the Cullen's.

"Thanks guys." She said, giving them all a smile.


Rihanna sat down next to Emmett and Rosalie inside maths. She could hear people whispering loudly gossiping about her, she felt so embarrassed. How could her sister tell them, the people she sits with.

"Yeah, apparently she needs to be babysat."

"I heard that she sucks on a pacifier."

"I heard she's a year older than Bella."

"How can she be a year older? She's nineteen."

"Apparently Bella's birthday is just late."

"Wait so if she's nineteen why is she even here?"

"Maybe because she likes ageplay."

Lies. Everything was lies. She was held back because she was having trouble with her work, her sisters birthday being late was true. But she didn't need babysat, if she ever slipped, she would just stay in her room until Charlie came up with food.

Tears escaped her cheek, she sniffed quietly. Rosalie wasn't exactly happy about this, neither was Emmett. Some of the teenagers in the room gossiped and laughed. Rihanna couldn't take it anymore, she grabbed her backpack and left. She could hear Emmett, Rosalie and the teacher call her back but she just left.

As she ran down the hall she bumped into Edward, he looked down at her with sympathy; while she ran into his chest and cried. He stiffened, and hugged her. Trying to calm her down; at this point he wished that he had Jasper's powers.

"Let me give you a ride home." He spoke softly, his voice sounded enchanting to her ears.

"O-Otay, buts I not want to be a bother." She said rubbing her eyes.

He took her hand, "you're not."

"Pinky pwomise?" She said timidly, holding out her pink to him.

"Pinky promise." He spoke latching her finger with hers.

short chapter!

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