a girl that's determined not to give into her best friend's ex-boyfriend and cousins offer of finally having a family.
in which rihanna swan is an age-regressor and is the imprint of sam uley and emily young, she hates them, doesn't want to give...
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THE NEXT MORNING EVERYONE SAT AROUND THE TABLE Rihanna on Sam's lap, colouring in her favourite Disney Princess colouring book, with her sippycup full of orange juice, and Sam feeding her and himself. Everything was good up until Jacob came in looking very infuriated.
"Just a warning, Charlie is on his way and he really isn't happy. Apparently a Cullen came back and took Bella to save her bloodsucking boyfriend, and left Charlie a note. He is angry that Rihanna wasn't there to stop her." Jacob growled, he had seen what Charlie has been doing and said throughout the back mind.
Rihanna didn't give a crap she sat there eating her bacon happily, colouring in Princess Aurora. The four wolves who sat at the table on the other hand looked at Jacob, they had finally had enough of the chief of police, they grew angry every time that man came over and ruined his older daughter's happiness.
Sam wanted to talk to them but couldn't with his imprint so little, Emily danced her way over and picked up their imprint and walked off, after Sam sent her a nod of appreciation. Emily could hear their muffled voices as she dressed Rihanna in her clothes.
She put a light pink long sleeved t-shirt on her along with a white skirt that had a chain over the top of it, and placed pink and white striped – thigh high socks on her too. She put the girls hair in pigtails but left some hair down.
Rihanna ran up to the mirror, and gasped, twirling around several times becoming dizzy. "I wook so pwetty!" She giggles, holding her hands up to Emily who smiled and bopped on the nose.
"Mama, bad man no take me away, right?" She whimpers, Emily realises she was talking about Charlie.
"I can't make that promise baby, but what I can say is that he won't hurt you, not while the pack and I are here. But if you don't want him to take you away, you need to stand up for yourself, don't let him or anyone tell you otherwise." Emily said, encouraging Rihanna to speak up more and not let anyone bring her down.
Rihanna pouted and nodded her head, wrapping her arms around Emily. "Otay, mama."
Emily smiled and walked back downstairs placing Rihanna on the floor, grabbing her essentials from the table and placing them next to her. Emily started heading over to wash the dishes while the pack where still talking, but in a quiet manner. They kept glancing at her, making sure she was okay and not listening.
Suddenly the phone had went and Emily went to the phone answering it. Rihanna peaked at her and watched as her face turned into horror, she just stared at the wall in front of her and tears sprang to her eyes.
The pack turned to her with worried glances, "Emily?"
"I-It's Harry, he's had a h-heart attack!" She stuttered. The boys quickly got up, startling the shocked Rihanna who also started to cry.
The boys raced out the door rushing to the Clearwater residence, while Emily walked forward to hold her baby. Rihanna sat in tears she didn't understand, Harry couldn't be dead right? Not her father figure, who's looked after her all these years.
Emily picked her up and cradled her, she grabbed her keys and locked the door, and opened the door to her truck, putting her baby in the front seat and strapped her in. She had tears streaming down her own cheeks, but she tried to put on a brave face, she wanted to be there for her little. She started the engine and drove off towards her Aunt and Uncle's house.
"It'll be okay baby girl, we'll soon meet up with daddy and the others, and check on Harry."
━━━❃━━━ edited!
gonna be dying my hair pink or blue, you choose for me, since I can't decide!
okay sorry for taking so long! I've finally updated because it's a very special day for me tomorrow, because I will be finally turning 16! I cannot wait! This book is also nearly on eclipse, thank you for coming this far with me everyone, and for being super duper supportive!
shitttttt what have I done, poor, poor, Harry. See this is why some people hate me lmao. I always put cliffhangers on the good and juicy parts. What do you thinks gonna happen to Harry, and what is Rihanna gonna do about Charlie. The man who ruins her happiness, he needs to go so fucking quickly, yes he do!
also, follow me on Instagram, goddesstier.wp I do lives, to explain oc's or new books. I also post when I'll be updating and post fun quizzes on my story. And a lot of explaining about new oc's don't miss out!
next chapter will be up soon!
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