a girl that's determined not to give into her best friend's ex-boyfriend and cousins offer of finally having a family.
in which rihanna swan is an age-regressor and is the imprint of sam uley and emily young, she hates them, doesn't want to give...
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RIHANNA WAS NOW SITTING ON THE FLOOR, it has been a couple of hours since she took a panic attack. She looked over at Emily who was dancing around the kitchen making food, and Sam who was about to head out to 'work.' Sam kissed Emily's scars and walked over to the living room bending down next to Rihanna, kissing the crown of her head. "Now, little one you behave for Emily, Jared and Paul, okay."
"Otay." She said adding a little nod, with a smile on her face.
"Good girl, now behave." He said firmly, as he left out the door.
Rihanna pouted when Paul picked her up off of the floor and onto the couch in between both Jared and himself. Both boys were trying to get back on her good side, they didn't want to seem like they were the bad guys. But seeing her in her littlespace all content and quiet, they knew they would have to get used to it. It was weird at first but they knew she was the second imprint to Sam and Emily, and they wanted to be her caregivers.
"Guys, I need to go to the store for some things. Watch her will you?" Emily spoke to the two wolves, who nods to the scarred woman how walked around and kissed Rihanna's head, before grabbing her things and walking out the house.
All three of them was watching a new barbie movies, Barbie Swan Lake. That kept Rihanna distracted for a while, she actually didn't even know Emily left. She did feel guilty for getting overwhelmed and angry at Sam and the two boys, she wanted to apologise but what would Leah say? She's also noticed that Sam and Emily have acted like they were her caregivers, that they were mommy, daddy material. But she couldn't go down that road, she couldn't do that to Leah.
Rihanna looked at Jared in the corner of her eye, to see him looking at the movie with boredom. She then moved her eyes to Paul who was falling asleep, she pouted and turned her head; where was Emily? She was left alone with the two people she argued with, the people who made fun of her friends. She started to slip in and out of littlespace.
"I wanna go home." She mumbled, making both wolves turn to her, they noticed she was now herself, she wasn't even in her littlespace.
Jared and Paul stared at each other, "Now, Rihanna you're here for various reasons." Jared exclaims.
"Then I'll go to Leah's house." She states, glaring at the floor.
Paul gives Rihanna a firm look, while putting his finger underneath her chin to make her look up at him. "You're staying here. Those friends of yours brought you here."
Rihanna glared at him and huffed, "I didn't ask them too!"
Jared shook his head, "If you weren't brought here, that leech would have gotten to you."
Rihanna froze. How could she have forgotten, her heart picked up and she couldn't control her thoughts. Everything was a mess, she was here to be protected, but how could they protect her? They were only human, right? She started to feel small and little again, she could feel her eyes water.
Paul gently lifted her up and onto his lap, he stared at her glossy eyes, "Rihanna, are you little or big?"
Jared was cautious, he knew he had to bring that up. But didn't think about the consequences, she could have another panic attack.
"W-Wittle." Her voice was small, her body language was slumped, and tense.
Paul moves his hand to her back and draws circles, while Jared grabbed her small hand into his big ones, as he rubbed little circle motions with his thumb, onto the back of her hand.
"Now pup,calm down, we're here." Paul whispered as she lay her head on his chest.
"Yeah, we are your protectors." Jared adds, watching as the older Swan relaxed slightly.
She lifted her head and stared at Jared, "weally?"
"Really." He promised, watching as she slipped her thumb into her mouth.
"Now if you calm down, maybe Emily can give you a treat." Paul spoke, still rubbing the girls back.
An hour later Emily was back to see that the two wolves and Rihanna cuddled up on the couch, she smiled and started to make lunch. She shook her head seeing there was another Barbie movie, she knew Rihanna must have forced them to watch it or they just put another one on to make her happy.
She was happy they were getting along since last time wasn't very good. But at least everything was getting better. She and Sam has talked privately while she was asleep, they knew she could feel the imprint, feel the pain when she stays away from them too long.
Last night she was even on the phone to Charlie who had gotten a call from Carlisle saying that, Rihanna was in La Push with Sam and Emily. Charlie was wondering if he could come and get her, but Sam had told him that it was fine, that they would take care of her since they were older and were basically adults.
But overall Emily was happy with everything, she looked back at the couch one more time, before smiling and walking away.
━━━❃━━━ edited! longer chapter!
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