*What now?*

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"Are they really all your mates?" Jihoon asked as soon as we left the cafe.

"Y-yes Jiji."

"How is that even possible?" He asked.

"I don't know." I whispered. I was confused. How does someone manage to get six mates? I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I was elated when I realized that they wouldn't reject me. But it was always possible for them to do so in the future. For now I just wanted to enjoy the fact that I actually had mates.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I realized that Jihoon and I were home. We quietly opened the front door and carried all of the grocery bags inside. I jumped as I heard a crash from the living room.

"Where have you two been all day?" Our father asked as he stomped out of the living room.

"We w-w-were g-getting the th-ings you asked f-f-for." Jihoon answered. We didn't dare make eye contact with him, scared that he would hurt us.

"Hurry up and make me something to eat. I'm fucking starving." he said as he stomped up the stairs and inot his room. We only moved once we heard his door slam shut.

"I'll make the food Ji. You go rest." I said once our father left to go to his room.

"I'll rest after I finish cleaning. Make sure to sneak some food on a plate for us, ok yoonie?"


And so I started to cook some food for us all. As I was cooking I could only think of my mates. I knew that I wanted to be with them. I didn't have the heart to reject anyone. And I hoped that they will be able to give me the comfort I need. But at the same time, I was scared. I was scared that they wouldn't want me if they found out what my life is like. I was scared that they would turn out to be like my dad. I shook the thought away and tried to focus on cooking. They didn't seem like the type to hurt anyone. And they even gave me a choice instead of rejecting me on the spot. I would just have to get to know them and then I can make my decision.

"Is the fucking food ready yet?" My dad yelled from his bedroom.

"A-almost." I replied. After a few minutes the food was finally ready. I went to my dad's room and knocked on his door. "The food is ready." When I got no answer I went to wake Jihoon up to tell him to come eat. We then went to the dining room to set up the table. Jihoon and I sat across each other and waited for our father to come. It didn't take long for him to come eat. He sat down with a grunt and began eating.

"Yoongi" I heard my father say with a dark voice.

"Yes father?" I whispered.

"You made this?" He asked. He looked so angry. I knew this wouldn't end well for me. There was nothing Jihoon could do.

"Y-yes s-s-sir." I replied while looking down at the table.

"This is absolutely disgusting. How could you make something taste so horrible?" He screamed as he threw the plate of food towards me. The food got all over my clothes and the plate shattered as it hit the ground. "How can you be so fucking useless?"

I flinched as he walked towards me. Next thing I knew he was grabbing my hair and forcing me out of my chair and onto the floor. Glass dug into my palms, causing blood to pour out. I let out a whimper as my father continued to yell at me.

Luckily it seemed like he didn't have enough energy to hit me and he walked out of the house, muttering something about going to get food somewhere else. "And you better have this mess cleaned before I get back!" Was the last thing I heard from him. Jihoon immediately got up once dad was gone and came to help me.

"Don't cry, Ji. I-i'm fine." I said once I saw his face. "Go finish your food and I'll clean all of this up."

"You're c-crazy if you think i'm leaving you alone right now! I can eat later." Jihoon responded. Knowing how stubborn he is, I just nodded my head and went to the bathroom to clean my cuts.. My eyes teared up because it was so painful.

After about fifteen minutes Jihoon and I had cleaned everything up and I dragged myself to my room. I got some clothes from my closet and made my way to the bathroom to shower. After getting my body cleaned I focused on my hands.

I ran water over my bloody hands, trying to keep my cries as silent as possible so as to not wake up my beloved brother. He deserves all the rest he can get.

Once my cuts were all cleaned and bandaged I made my way back to my room.

I put on my pink oversized hoodie and some black shorts that went down to my thighs.

As soon as I felt the comfortable feeling of my mattress hit my back I sighed in relief. Then a thought struck me. Mates can feel each other's pain.

"Should I text them?"

I was nervous just thinking about it. They all made me nervous. They were just so handsome I got flustered at just the thought of interacting with them. And the fact that I know they felt the pain from my cuts made me even more nervous. But I knew I had to talk to them at one point.

It was now or never.

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