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I sat in the passenger seat of the van while Jeongguk drove us home. My mind was going haywire. When I heard Jimin telling us that Yoongi was in danger I couldn't think. My heart felt like it had stopped beating. Luckily Jin hyung got to him in time and saved him.

I was broken out of my thoughts as the van pulled into our driveway. We all rushed out and headed towards the car that had just parked behind us. When I opened the back door to help the small boys get out I was met with a sight so adorable I could cry.

Yoongi was cuddling with Jihoon, face tucked into his brother's neck and the younger had his arms wrapped tightly around Yoongi's waist. They looked so small and adorable. I had the urge to hide them in my pocket, away from all danger.

I felt someone stand behind me and turned my head to see that it was Jin hyung.

"What do we do? Do we wake them up?" I asked.

"Get Jeongguk to help you carry them upstairs. Get them into a room while I go clean up my hands. After I'm done I'll clean up any scratches they have." I walked away to get Jeongguk after he was finished giving instructions. I tapped the maknae on the shoulder and explained to him what we had to do. As soon as he heard that he had to help carry our mate and his brother he broke out into a bunny smile, happiness radiating off of him.

I went back to the car and carefully detached Jihoon's arms from Yoongi's waist. I picked up the sleeping omega while Jeongguk picked Yoongi up and we carried them inside.

I looked down at the sleeping male in my arms for a second. I already felt the need to protect him. I felt as if he was my own younger brother. I knew if something happened to him Yoongi would be crushed. We all had to protect both of them. Not only that, but he was absolutely adorable.

"Let's get them into Jimin and Hoseok's room, theirs is closest and cleanest." I whispered.

We went up the stairs and into said room. I figured that they would want to be as close as possible to each other, so I told Jeongguk to set Yoongi on Jimin's bed and did the same with Jihoon afterwards.

As soon as they felt that they were close to each other they began to cuddle again, holding on to the other tightly. I took out my phone and snapped a photo, changing it to my home and lock screen with a big smile on my face.

I sent the picture to the group chat and Jeongguk and I tiptoed out of the room.

Now all we had to do was ask Jin hyung what happened.


Once I made sure that Namjoon and Jeongguk had the two boys safe and sound I made my way to the bathroom to clean up my knuckles. They had split open from punching that stupid alpha in the face so many times. I had blood all over my hands, and I'm sure that most of it wasn't mine. The thought made me smirk. That little boy got what he deserved. No one should touch someone without their permission. No matter who it is.

I ran water over my hands to wash the blood off and got some disinfectant wipes from under the sink. We have an abundance of things like this because the maknaes love to play fight and someone always gets hurt.

I winced slightly as I wiped down my cuts. Once I was done with that I gathered some more wipes in my hands and went to go find Namjoon.

I found him in the living room. He was sitting on the couch and scrolling through his phone. "Where are Yoongi and Jihoon?" I asked.

"We put them in Hoseok and Jimin's room." He said with a smile. "We need to discuss what happened though. Whether or not they want to press charges."

"I'll explain everything once I clean Yoongi up. We can ask them what they want to do tomorrow." With that said I made my way upstairs to the room our mate was in.

Once I walked inside I saw the two brothers cuddling on Jimin's bed.

I would feel bad if I woke them up, so I opened up a disinfectant wipe and made my way to the other side of the bed, closest to Yoongi. Luckily he was wearing basketball shorts so it would be easier to clean his legs.

He had a few scrapes here and there but they were relatively small. Although they weren't life threatening my blood still boiled just thinking of why they were there in the first place. Other than the small scrapes he also had bruises from being handled roughly.

"My poor baby." I sighed. "I'm sorry for not getting there sooner, Yoonie." I knew he couldn't hear me but I kept speaking anyway. "I promise that we won't let anyone hurt you like this again." I went back to being silent when I saw him shift and move closer to his brother.

As I was cleaning up Yoongi's legs he moved around a little, letting out a little whine when it stung a bit. I smiled and stared at him for a second. I just can't believe we got so lucky to have such a beautiful mate. I can't wait until he trusts us and we can all go out together on dates. Maybe we could take him out soon.

Shaking my head and focusing on the task at hand, I realized that I would have to wait until morning to see if he had any other injuries. Waking up the beauty laying on the bed would be a crime. I pulled the blanket on both of them and made my way out of the room.

When I walked to the living room all the guys were there, waiting to hear what happened.

"What happened?"

"Is Yoongi ok?"

"I still don't know who I need to fight."

"Are they ok?"

"Are they hurt badly?"

"Do we need a doctor?"

"RELAX!" I yelled. Once they were all quiet I began to explain things. "Apparently this alpha thought it was ok to touch someone without their consent. Even if they say no. Jihoon called me and said that the alpha had taken Yoongi but he managed to get away with Yoongi's phone, so he called me. I don't know the details of the story so we'll have to wait until they wake up and explain the whole story. I got there and saw the alpha with Yoongi in an ally. I beat his ass though so he got what he deserved."

"Will they press charges?" Jimin asked.

"We'll see in the morning. Right now let them rest. They've been through a lot." I sighed. "Jimin, you're going to have to sleep with someone else tonight. You too Hoseok. We put them in your room on Jimin's bed but I doubt they'll appreciate having an alpha in there all night. They seem really shaken up."

"Jimin hyung can sleep with me and Tae if he wants." Jeongguk said.

"Sure Ggukie. We can play video games before we go to sleep." Jimin said with a smile.

"I'll stay with Namjoonie, if that's ok with you?" Hoseok asked while looking at Namjoon.

"Of course hyung. We can watch a movie until we get tired. It's only 8 o'clock anyways." Namjoon replied.

"Ok guys, I'm fucking beat. I'm gonna go to bed. Everyone have a good night." I say as I make my way to my shared room. We all shared rooms since we hated being alone and away from each other. It made sense that we would share a mate now that I think about it.

As soon as I got inside the room I took off all my clothes and flopped down onto my bed in only my boxers. I was utterly exhausted.

After about two minutes I was out like a light.

AN: hello everyone! I just wanted to say that I am so so sorry for not updating this book for so long. I have been going through some serious personal issues that I will not discuss here and needed some time to myself. Things are getting better though so I hope to be back to writing and updating soon. I am currently editing the next few chapters so it shouldn't be long until they are up. Although I doubt anyone really cares, I just wanted to explain myself. I hope you are all staying safe during these times!

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