*Library disaster*

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It was around 5pm when I woke up, about an hour after my conversation with my mates. It was because Jihoon had barged into my room. I could smell the fear rolling off of his body in waves. He looked like a nervous wreck. His brown hair was sticking up in all directions and he was struggling to get his shoes on.

"Yoongi get up now."

"What's going on?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"Father is back. And this time he brought his 'friends' over." Jiji said with scared eyes.

I knew what friends he was talking about. So I immediately shot up from my bed and put on my shoes, not bothering to change out of my black hoodie and basketball shorts.

"They're all in the living room. We're gonna have to sneak out of the window." Jihoon said.

Luckily there was a tree right next to my window that we use to sneak out whenever something like this happens.

"Ok." I whispered while shoving my phone into my shorts pockets.

I locked the door and Jiji opened the window. He swung his legs over the window sill and slightly reached out to grab the closest tree branch. With that he climbed down the tree and as soon as his feet touched the ground, I was grabbing onto the same branch.

"Where should we go?" I asked once we reached the ground.

"How about we go to the library? It should be nice and calm since it's only Friday."

I nod slightly and we make our way to the library.

As soon as we got to our destination, Jihoon and I went towards a table all the way in the back. I started to regret wearing basketball shorts. The room was cold, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. Jihoon was right when he said the library was going to be empty. There were only two other people besides us here, and they were too engrossed in their studies to pay us any attention.

"Do you wanna watch a movie Jiji?" I asked as I pulled out my phone and headphones.

"Sure. What are we gonna watch?"

"I don't know. Let's just scroll and see what we find." I said as I tapped on the Netflix app. We scrolled for a few minutes before deciding on watching Moana, our favorite disney movie.

We were about halfway into the movie when the library door opened. I paid no mind to it and continued to watch the movie with my brother.

I heard the footsteps of the newcomers walk towards our table. I looked up as I heard the person stop right in front of us. I was met with a tall man, wearing all black clothes and a smirk on his face. I could immediately tell he was an alpha after I slightly sniffed, his scent wafting into my nose.

"Can we help you?" My brother asked.

"What are two young omegas doing all alone on a Friday night?" He asked with the smirk still on his face, completely ignoring Jihoon's question.

"Just h-hanging o-out." I answered him, trying to keep my voice steady. I don't know if it was the permanent smirk or the arrogant aura he exuded, but I could tell he was dangerous. He didn't seem like some friendly alpha just trying to make friends. No. He seemed like he wanted something from us. And it scared me to the core.

"Mind if I join you guys? My friends ditched me to go do something else."

"We were j-just a-about to l-leave." I took my phone and headphones and placed them back in my pocket. Grabbing onto Jihoon's hand, I got up and took a step towards the door.

In a second the scary alpha was in front of us, stopping us from going anywhere. My heart started beating faster in my chest as I stared up at him. I could practically smell the fear from Jihoon, who I had pushed behind me.

"Excuse us, but we really need to get going." Jihoon said behind me. Although his voice was steady and sounded confident, I could tell otherwise.

"Come on little omegas. I just wanna have a little fun," the alpha said. "Let's just go somewhere else hmm?"

I looked around and noticed that we were the only people in the library. The other students must have left while we were watching the movie.

I gasped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking back up at the alpha who's name I still didn't know, I realized his eyes had gotten darker. At this point Jihoon and I were shaking in terror. I've seen this look before. It's the look Father's friends always give Jihoon and I when they were over at our house either drunk or high.

I knew we needed to get out of here. And fast.

"O-o-ok." I whispered. I squeezed my brother's hand in reassurance, silently telling him to trust me. "But I just need to speak with my brother for a second."

The alpha stepped away and looked at us. He looked suspicious and dangerous. "Hurry it up I don't have all night." He grumbled.

I turned around to face Jihoon. He was looking at me with big, tearful eyes.

"Jiji trust hyung ok? I'm going to get us out of here." I whispered quietly so the other male couldn't hear us.

Jihoon nodded his head slightly and I grabbed his hand. "When I say run, we're going to run out of here as fast as we can. Do not let go of my hand unless I say so."

With that being said, I turned back to the alpha and forced a smile. "Alpha," I said in a fake sweet tone. "I actually n-need a b-book f-or school. But I can't reach i-it. Can you pl-please help me?" I asked, pouting slightly and trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Which one is it? This better be quick or I'll have to do something you won't like." Said alpha grumbled. I pointed to a random book on the highest shelf next to me.

As the alpha was walking to the shelf I looked at Jihoon and mouthed "run" at him. I gripped his hand tightly and pulled him with me as I sprinted out of the library.

We made it a block away when I was yanked back by my hair. I screamed as I felt myself get pulled back, losing my grip on Jihoon. I gasped as I smelled the alpha behind me, his anger clearly visible.

"YOONGI HYUNG!" Jihoon screamed when he saw what was going on.

I reached a hand into my pocket and tossed my phone towards Jihoon. "Get help and run Jiji! NOW!" I screamed at him. He froze for a second before turning around and running.

"You shouldn't have done that little boy." The alpha growled into my ear. Next thing I know I was being pulled into a dark alley nearby.

I could only pray Jihoon would get help on time.

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