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I gently patted the top of my head as I felt a stinging pain there. It felt as if my hair was getting pulled. I was cooking some dinner for the boys with Jimin helping me when my phone began buzzing in my pocket.

I wiped my hands off on a cloth before pulling it out. I immediately answered when I saw that it was Yoongi who was calling me.

I pulled the phone to my ear, expecting my mate's beautiful voice. Instead I heard something completely different.

"Oh my god thank you for answering! Please help us. Someone has Yoongi and I don't know what to do!" A voice wailed from the other end.

"Who is this and tell me where my mate is right now!" I exclaimed as I put him on speaker so Jimin could hear. I

We both looked at the phone as the voice spoke again.

"Please help pleeeaaase! It's Jihoon, Yoongi's brother. We were at the library and some alpha came and took Yoongi! I have his phone and called the first person I saw in his contacts!" The voice yelled. I could hear the desperation in his voice.

My heart dropped when I finally understood what was going on. "Tell me where you are right now!"

"I'm about two blocks away from the library on Buff street! Please hurry and help my hyung!" Yoongi's brother cried.

"I'm on my way." I said.

I was furious. How dare someone touch my omega. I looked at Jimin and ordered him to get the rest of the guys.

"Meet me there and make it quick!" I yelled out as I sprinted out to my car.

I drove the fastest I have ever driven in my life. Possibly breaking every law there is but I didn't care, I needed to save my mate. He was my first priority. When I made it to the street my mate's brother told me he was at, I parked in front of a store. Looking around for the other small omega I had met yesterday, I saw him practically sobbing on the floor.

"Are you Yoongi's brother?" I asked in a rushed tone as I ran towards him.

He looked up and nodded frantically. Out of nowhere he grabbed my hand and started pulling me down the street.

"Please! Yoongi needs our help!" He yelled at me.

I let the small boy drag me towards the library. Once we got to the front steps we stopped and I sniffed around, trying to find Yoongi's scent.

Once I caught a small whiff of it I immediately followed it, Jihoon following close behind me. The scent led us to an alley near the library, about a block away. I rushed to the alley and my vision went red.

There was a tall alpha close to the end of the alley. And he was hovering over Yoongi.

I didn't bother to find out what the guy looked like. As soon as I heard my small Yoongi crying softly I sprinted to them and pulled the unknown alpha away.

Immediately I started to beat him. Punching everywhere I could. His failed attempts at protecting himself only fueled my fury. No one touches my mate without his permission. Especially in such a horrible way like this guy was most likely planning.

After I managed to successfully knock the guy out I left him on the ground and turned to face the omega. The anger I was feeling calming down slightly, only to flare up again when I saw the scratches and bruises on his pale legs.

He was hugging his brother tightly, crying into his shirt. Slowly, I walked towards the two boys, trying my hardest not to scare them.

"Yoongi? What happened baby boy?" I whispered.

All I got in response was a small whimper. My heart breaks as I look at the brothers hugging each other tightly on the ground.

"Let's get you two somewhere safe, ok?" I say quietly.

As soon as the words leave my mouth I hear the sounds of footsteps rushing towards us. I look over my shoulder and see that it's the rest of the guys. They look at Yoongi and Jihoon and the knocked out alpha and immediately begin talking.

"What happened?"

"Are you guys ok?"

"Who do I have to fight?"

"Oh god what should we do?"

"We can explain later guys. Yoongi and Jihoon need to get out of here and somewhere safe and more comfortable." I say. I look at Yoongi, making eye contact with him. "Would you like me to take you to our home baby boy?" He looks at his younger brother and they both nod, wanting to get as far away from the knocked out alpha behind me. They stand up from the ground and I see both of them shiver slightly. Namjoon and Jeongguk immediately take off their jackets and wrap them around the brothers' shoulders in order to help them warm up.

We all surrounded the small omegas as we made our way to my car. I opened the back door and when they had both taken a seat they started to cuddle, causing me to internally coo at their cuteness.

After closing the door I turned to look at the rest of the guys. "I assume you guys came in the van?" They all nodded. "I'll drive these two back to the house. Meet us there ok?"

After confirming this with the boys they went back to where they had parked the van. I got in the driver's seat and began to drive home, the two brothers safely in my back seat still cuddling each other.

Our omega {yoongixbts} (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now