*Back to hell*

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We were about halfway through the movie now. Sometime during the first twenty minutes Taehyung got needy and asked if I would cuddle him. I was hesitant at first, but when he showed me his adorable puppy eyes I couldn't resist. As soon as I nodded my head I was pulled onto his lap, face flushing red at the contact. I sighed softly as his warm arms wrapped around my waist. He truly was comfortable. And the perfect cuddle buddy.

My face only got even hotter once everyone noticed and began teasing us.

"Taehyungie is growing up, huh?" Jin said with a chuckle.

"Look at him being all brave and asking to be close to Yoongi like that." Namjoon chimed in.

"Yoonie is getting red!" Jihoon giggled.

I gasped as my own brother ratted me out. I grabbed the small couch cushion that was next to me and threw it at his face.

I was so embarrassed I didn't realize I was hiding my face in Taehyung's neck until he began to pet my hair. A small whine escaped me before I could stop it and I heard a bunch of coos from the alphas around me. All I could feel was my face getting even hotter as I heard Taehyung say, "Our baby Yoonie is so cute, isn't he guys?"

All the guys began to agree and throw compliments towards me. I shyly kept my face hidden in Taehyung's neck. After about two minutes everyone was back to watching the movie.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until I was being shaken awake. Judging from the smell I could tell I was still on top of Taehyung. Then I heard a frantic voice calling my name.

"Hyung! Wake up, please! We have to go home."

I groaned as I felt myself waking up. I didn't want to get up, so I cuddled even more into Taehyung. That is until I heard my brother say words I never wanted to hear.

"Dad called hyung! We have to go now."


I sighed as I climbed back into my room through the window. My father's friends were here again once we got home, so Jihoon and I decided to hide out in my room.

I looked behind me and saw Jihoon climbing in. "Let's just lay down and wait for them to leave. Do you want to watch another movie?" I asked.

"I think I might go to sleep, hyung. I'm still pretty tired."

"That's ok. I'll be right here."

I took out my phone and began to search for videos to watch on YouTube while Jihoon slept. I clicked on a random one and put on my headphones.

No matter how hard I tried though, I couldn't focus on the video. I kept thinking about my mates. When Jihoon and I had left we had to make a lame excuse about our father being strict and told them we needed to go home. I'm sure they were suspicious but after a short while they let us go. Taehyung, Jimin and Jeongguk whined once they heard we had to leave. It was adorable. But after saying our goodbyes and thank you's we had begun our walk back home.

Jin had offered to drive us home but I didn't want them to see where we lived, I also didn't want to risk my father seeing us getting dropped off by an alpha. He would go ballistic. So I told him that we could walk. I had typed in our address into the gps on my phone and we began our journey home.

About an hour after Jihoon had fallen asleep I heard my father's friends leave. My heart began to beat faster as I heard his heavy footsteps make their way towards my door. Luckily the door was still locked from when we snuck out yesterday.

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