Chapter 18

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Y/n woke up in the healing wing, Frigga wrapping her bandages, and Loki by her side looking worried, though he immediately smiled a nervous smile when he saw that she'd woken up.

"What happened?" She asked.

"What do you remember love?" Loki asked in response.

"I remember, you died, then I killed my father, then I froze the rest of the frost giants, they'll unfreeze in a couple of days by the way, then you weren't dead, and then... I don't remember."

"After you fainted, I brought you straight to the healing wing. One of the frost giants managed to cut you, deep, and you'd nearly bled out. Mother was swift to stitch you up and look you over in the soul forge." Loki told her.

"Well I am certain now that I will be quite alright after some rest and you can stop your worrying my love."

"Yes Y/n." Said Frigga. "You and the baby will be just fine."

"See, me and... THE WHAT!?" Y/n exclaimed in surprise.

Frigga took a bit of delight in looking at the amount of surprise in Loki's and Y/n's faces. "The baby. Y/n, you're pregnant."

Y/n was speechless, completely speechless. She was going to have a child; how did this happen? Well of course she knew how it happened, she simply couldn't believe it. She was happy and excited of course, she had no reason not to be, she was however, terrified. She hadn't planned this, was she ready for it? She looked to Loki to see what he was feeling.

Loki's face was one of shock, but as he looked at his wife and processed what he'd just heard, he soon had the biggest smile on his face. He was excited to be a father and was quite determined he'd be a better one than either of his own.

Y/n quickly relaxed when she saw how happy Loki was to hear the news, and she was soon smiling herself.

"I'll leave you two alone a moment." Frigga said, smiling as she left.

The couple was still speechless, they just smiled at each other for a while. Then Y/n managed to whisper, "We're going to be parents."

Loki said nothing but cupped her face in his hands and kissed her, tears of joy streaming down his face. When they broke apart, he embraced her.

Y/n was on mandatory bed rest in the healing wing for a week while she healed. She absolutely hated it; she was so bored. Loki spent every spare moment he had by her side, and he brought her books to read, but as much as she enjoyed reading, she was becoming tired of it.

Thor visited her as well, but she and Loki had not yet told him about the baby so Thor didn't understand why everyone was treating Y/n like she might shatter like glass at any moment, after all, she'd had similar wounds before and she was a fast healer.

When Y/n was finally cleared to leave the healing wing she was overjoyed. She was advised not to over work or over stress herself and to keep away from dangerous activities such as sparring.

Y/n and Loki went before Odin that afternoon to announce the pregnancy.

"Loki, what have you two gotten yourselves into now?" Odin asked, knowing the only time they came before him at the same time was when they needed to ask forgiveness.

"Father, Y/n and I have some news that we think you ought to know." Loki answered.

"And what is this news?"

"Allfather, you are going to be a grandfather." Y/n answered smiling.

Odin smiled at them with pride, pride in his son and his daughter-in-law. "Congratulations, both of you! Loki, I know you will be a great father, better than I was, Y/n you will be the most caring mother that ever was and ever will be. Your child will be blessed greatly."

"Thank you, father." Loki said.

"Thank you Allfather." Y/n echoed.

They then went to find Thor, who was in the sitting room with lady Sif and the Warriors Three.

"Well, I suppose since you're all here it will take less time for the news to spread." Y/n said.

"What news?" Thor asked.

Y/n and Loki looked at each other a moment, then returned their attention back to the room. "Thor, you're going to be an uncle. I'm with child." Y/n answered.

Thor's eyes lit up and he scooped Y/n up in one of his big brother hugs. Choruses of congratulations came from the others.

"Thor, too tight." Y/n said.

Thor let her go. "My apologies sister. I could not be happier for you two." Thor then ignored Loki's threats to stab him and tightly hugged him too. "I am certain that you two will be great parents."

OMG I can't believe this story has 1K reads! I am so grateful and I hope you're all enjoying the story! 

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