Important info

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Name: Isabella Alice Longbottom

Gender: Female

Year at Hogwarts: 5th year

Hogwarts house: Gryffindor

Age: 15 (same as Neville)

Neville: twin brother (best friend)
Golden trio: Acquaintances
Weasleys: Acquaintances
All Slytherins including Snape: Bullies/Enemies
Death eaters/ Voldemort: Enemies
Luna Lovegood: Friend
Any other Gryffindor/Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw: People who judge her
Cho Chang: Bully
Alice & Frank Longbottom: Parents
Augusta Longbottom: Controlling Grandmother (guardian)

Neville: Issy
Luna Lovegood: Bella
Slytherins: Ugly Longbottom
Cho Chang: Lamebottom
Everyone else: Isabella

Appearance before glow up:
Pale (oily)skin
Hazel (blue) eyes
Severe acne
Apparently not skinny enough for the Hogwarts boys

You get the idea, she's just not pretty in Hogwarts' eyes😢

Appearance after glow up:
Still brunette
Hazel (blue) eyes
Clear tanner skin
As skinny as she wants to be (skinny enough for the Hogwarts boys now🙄)
Hit puberty

What she looks like now:

(I know it ain't the same as the cover but idc)

Hope you like the book! Warning: there is a ton of body shaming in this book, and bulling and all that so if your sensitive to that then don't read pls I don't want you damaged... but if you do read then enjoy the book! 

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