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Issy's outfit:

It's been three weeks since Neville and my Gryffindor friends found out I'm a werewolf and they've been handling it surprisingly well

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It's been three weeks since Neville and my Gryffindor friends found out I'm a werewolf and they've been handling it surprisingly well. They are supporting me although Hermione is annoying me by saying what happened with the wolf bite isn't possible but I've grown to ignore her. Right now though, I was in the Slytherin common room with Draco's head in my lap as we worked on our charms homework.

"Did you notice how mad Neville has been at you the past weeks?" I asked him and he looked at my eyes.

"Yeah, but I know why." He turned back to his homework.

"Well, are you gonna tell me?" I laughed slightly.

"Nah, it doesn't matter anyways." He said carelessly. I sighed and snatched his homework from him and set it on the table.

"Well if Neville is mad at you for it then it matters to me." He groaned.

"Why can't we just work on our homework?" He complained.

"What is the big deal? Just tell me."

"No, you'll be mad at me for it." He sat up from my lap.

"Well that doesn't help! Now I'm more interested! Tell me!"


"Why don't you trust me?!"

"I do trust you-"

"Then tell me!"


"Draco Lucius Malfoy! Tell me right now!"

"You seriously think that calling me my full name is going to get me to tell you? Pathetic." He mumbled the last part and I glared at him.

"Excuse me?"


"WHAT?! You just called me pathetic!"

"So?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"If you can't figure out what you did wrong then I can't help you." I stood up, grabbed my homework, and left the common room to find the people I actually wanted to see right now. Pansy, Blaise, Theo, and Daxton.

I found them all in the courtyard and they looked at me weirdly when they didn't see Draco tagging along with me.

"Where's your other half?" Theo asked with a chuckle. I glared at him and he hid behind Daxton.

"He's in the common room." I said annoyed.

"What's wrong?" Pansy asked with worry in her voice.

"We had a stupid fight. Well actually, it wasn't stupid!" I added.

"What was it about?" She questioned.

"We were fine until I told him about how mad Neville is at him."

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