Catch up

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The next day I found out everything. That I'm a werewolf but a vegetarian or something like that. I was panicking too much to actually listen to Snape. He gave me a bottle of wolfsbane potion which I took the whole week and I felt dreadful. Every night I would change into my wolf form which I didn't mind because I like being a wolf surprisingly even though I never remembered who I was. And I would stay in the shrieking shack and be bored out of my mind but occasionally a mouse ran by and I got to have a snack.

Daniela felt horrible about what happened and she has been nice to me for the whole three weeks since it happened. I didn't blame her and I got to see a different side of her. A caring and sweet side. We actually get along now because she never bothers me or my friends and if she talks to me it's either an apology or something nice.

Me and Draco have been working on our dancing even though he thinks I should rest after what happened. He's doing extremely well and is already pretty advanced. Blaise, Pansy, and Theo eventually learned what we were doing and demanded that I teach them too. So me, Daxton, and Daniela have been practicing with them and teaching them. Pansy has really got it and Blaise loves watching her dance.

We have come up with a testing system to see if you are ready to move onto some harder stuff. And since testing takes time we are doing one each day. Pansy was going first by herself then the boys would go as a trio.

Me and Daxton really love how much our friends are getting into the things we love and we adore watching them. Although Draco insists that Daxton always watches him and makes sure I can't see him. He says he wants it to be a surprise or something.

Today is the first testing day and Pansy is super nervous. It's cute. She's really passionate about it and I love it.

This chapter is so unbelievably short but it's kind just a catch up to what's happening. The testing will be in separate chapters so there will be one test per chapter and they will be super duper short sry💕

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