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Isabella's hair:

Today is literally the worst day in my entire life

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Today is literally the worst day in my entire life. I have double potions today. So that's amazing! Snape hates me just because my brother sucks at potions! I'm actually pretty good at it! But Snape decided to hate me because of Neville, and the fact that I'm a Gryffindor.

"Come on Isabella!" My roommate Emery yelled as she threw a pillow at me. Emery always didn't care that I was ugly. She was nice but she didn't go out of her way to hang out with me. Just like the Weasleys and the golden trio.

This is what Emery looks like btw:

"Why?!" I whined as I pulled my covers from my four poster over my head

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"Why?!" I whined as I pulled my covers from my four poster over my head.

"Because! We have double potions today and we can't be late or Snape is going to kill us!" She screamed in my ear. I groaned.

"Fine! Fine! Fine!" I rolled out of bed and got into my robes and brushed my hair and teeth. I washed my face, put on some perfume that Neville had bought me for our birthday, some mascara, and finally put some deodorant on, then headed out of mine and Emery's dormitory.

"Come on Isabella! We're going to be late! Class starts in 5 minutes!" Emery yelled as we raced through the common room. We sprinted through the corridors down to the dungeons. We ran into Snape's class and he glared at us. I bit my lip and Emery gulped. All eyes were on us.

"You're late Longbottom and Lessard." He said plainly.

"Sorry professor, we lost track of time." Emery said nervously.

"Just sit down! And you both have detention after dinner! They're seats by Malfoy and Zabini!" He snapped. Emery quickly walked over to Blaise Zabini's table and I glared at her. Come on! Could this day get any worse!

I walked slowly over to Malfoy's table in the back of the classroom and plopped in the seat next to him. I set my bag down and looked up at Snape with an annoyed expression.

"Now that everyone is here. These will be your permanent spots for the rest of the year. Now, you have an hour to make a draught of living death. Begin." He said slowly before walking up to his desk. I groaned and set my head on the table.

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