Getting over then under

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Issy's outfit:

Issy's outfit:

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*June 20th*

For the past two months I've been utterly exhausted. Every. Single. Day. I am dancing. After class. Before class. At night. In the morning. During my breaks. And even during lunch. I haven't talked to Draco, Blaise, or Theo since that morning two months ago and I was too busy to be lonely. Well actually, I haven't been lonely. I have been hanging around the Morton sisters a lot and only hung around Pansy when I go to bed and wake up. I have lunch with the Mortons, spend all my free time with them, and dance with them.

Daniela has told me to get over Draco and it was extremely hard but I stopped crying and being awkward when I see him. I can be around him now and even go in light conversation. He's tried to make us friends again but I just don't see it happening. We're too far apart now. And I've grown to deal with it.

Daniela also told me that now that I'm somewhat over him, I need to get my confidence and dignity back. So we've been practicing ever day for more then 8 hours. I've gained most of my confidence back but still need work in Daniela's eyes.

Although lately, because of OWLs, we have to study which has cut our practice in half. But right now I was in the common room with the Mortons about to head to our history of magic OWL.

"Can we just skip this stupid test! History of Magic is SO boring!" Celia complained and sprawled herself across the couch. We all giggled at her behavior.

"I'm very surprised that stupid ghost doesn't get the hint that everyone hates his class." Emma said with a smirk.

"Yeah, in class at least half the kids are sleeping and yet he still continues teaching." I crossed my legs and placed my arms on the arm rest of the chair I was sitting in. Just then the portrait opened and Theo, Blaise, Pansy, Daxton, and Draco walked in, all talking about something probably boring. They saw us girls and Daxton groaned.

"Danny get up you're taking up the whole common room!" He complained.

"No you find your own common room." Danny crossed her arms and me and the girls sniggered. Theo sighed.

"Bella can you tell the girls-"

"No. We were here first so like Danny said. Get. Your. Own. Fucking. Common room." I cut him off. My past friends gave me weird and disgusted looks.

"What's your problem? Why are you all of a sudden so mean?" Blaise snarled.

"Wow the Slytherins are saying that I'm mean! They need to get their sense checked." I told the girls and they all laughed.

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