Its just a game

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Ana's hair:

Today is the Slytherin party and I am

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Today is the Slytherin party and I am... nervous. No, that's an understatement. I'm terrified! This is my first official party and it's a Slytherin party! But Draco and my friends will be there to protect me. I mean, I have to have a first party sometimes. Right?

"Bella come on!" Pansy yelled from the doorframe of the charms classroom. Me and Pansy were planning on sneaking out to Hogsmeade to get extremely slutty party outfits. We are going to have to skip Transfiguration which I'm fine with.

"Come on!" She shouted as she dragged me through the halls. She stopped at an empty wall and looked around to make sure no one was looking. She then slowly slid a stone floorboard over and started to climb down a secret ladder. I soon followed and we were now walking in a secret cavern. We eventually stopped above a trapdoor. She slowly opened it and climbed through and checked if the coast was clear, which it was. I climbed up after her and we ended up in Honeyduke's cellar. She ran to the stairs and made sure we could go up them without anyone noticing and she beckoned me over.

We went up the stairs and quickly avoided the shop owner before running out into the streets of Hogsmead.

"Okay! Where first?" Pansy exclaimed. I shrugged.

"Where ever. I don't really know where clothes that we want are anyway." I blushed slightly in embarrassment.

"Okay. Let's go and look then." We started to look around Hogsmead. We spent almost an hour but we eventually found good outfits. Then we headed back to Hogwarts. I was a little lenient about my outfit but Pansy made me buy it. I loved it. But it was extremely slutty!

"Okay. Now we have to go to stupid classes now. Why couldn't we have just stayed in Hogsmead?" I whined.

"Because, Blaise is in my Herbology class." Pansy blushed like a tomato as we made it back to the Slytherin common room to drop off our shopping bags.

"And so am I. And Draco, and Theo." I giggled.

"I-I know."

"You like him don't you!" I shouted. She shushed me and pushed me into her dorm.

"Be quiet! Yes, okay. I do. But don't tell anyone!" She hissed as we set down our bags.

"Fine. But why can't you tell him? You two are really cute together!"

"Because he doesn't feel the same way." She frowned.

"How do you know?" I asked as we went back to the common room.

"Well... I don't-"

"Then tell him! He might feel the same way!"

"But what if he doesn't! Then it will just be-"

"Awkward." I finished for her. She nodded.

"Well Pansy why don't you-" but I was cut off by the boys entering the common room. They were chatting but when they saw us they fell silent.

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