A New Start

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[This is my first story like this so, please bear with me. I hope you like it, this is just the first chapter, and I wanted to just set the stage. I love these stories and wanted to make one of my own. Please give it a chance. Thank you for your time. I now present chapter 1: A New Start]

"So you expect me to make a deal with a demon? My, I never thought something like this would happen."

"Neither did I...", Sebastian replied, his face like stone,"What do you say? Do we have a deal?" The man's features pulled into a smug smile before replying.



[One Year Before]

You sighed as you continued to scrub the table of the fancy restraunt. For a place that made so much money, you sure didn't get a thing. You wanted nothing more than to be practicing with your (favorite weapon). You knew it wasn't very lady like to play with weapons, but it was your passion.

"Hey! You! Waitress!", a strangly hyper boy yelled at you. You inwardly growned and plastered on a fake smile. The boy gave an amused smile as you walked toward him. He had blond hair and blue eyes, and was dressed in expensive, purple attire. There was a strange butler next to him. He laughed before ordering.

"Give me your most expensive dish! Oh and clean that up.", he said dumping his drink on the floor. You clenched your fists, but did as you were told. You couldn't afford to lose this job. You finished cleaning the mess and stood. As you began to walk to the kitchen, the boy tripped you. He laughed as you hit the floor with a yelp.

"Look Claude! She can't even stand on her own two feet!", He laughed, delighted. You stood up furious and stormed to the kitchen.

"The Brat wants 'the most expensive dish'", you told the cook. He grunted in reasponce. You returned to the dining area and finished the table you had been working on previously. By the time you were finished, the dish was done. You jerked the dish from the smirking cook and walked off in a huff. You put on a sickly sweet smile and set the plate in front of him.

"My, you left a mess on the rim of the plate. Not what I would have expected from such a highly apraised restraunt.", the butler, Claude, said with a sour look. You just batted your eyelashes, smiled and curtsied.

"My apologies.", you said before walking away.


"Rough day?", Anne asked you as you both walked home. She was your best friend and could read your expressions pretty well, even though you tended to be unreadable.

"Yeah", you sighed,"There was this brat, who not only dumped his whole drink on the floor deliberatly so I could clean it up, but then he tripped me, purely for his amusement. And after all that his butler had the audacity to complain about the presentation of the dish! That's not even my job!" You crossed your arms fuming.

"Ha! I don't think I've seen you this mad in ages!", your friend laughed. You had reached the crackerbox of an apartment you shared and began to climb the stairs.

"You know I've been thinking about looking for another job.", you murmmered, smiling lightly. That caught her attention, as she quickly jerked her head to face you.

"Well you better not leave me in the dust.", she said with a poker face. You both looked at each other before busting out laughing. You had been friends since you were 3. You were both orphans and had basically adopted each other as family. It was always a joke between the two of you that one of you would nail a good job and leave the other behind. It was a cruel joke, sure, but the two of you knew you could never do that to the other.

You unlocked the door and entered. The room was stuffy, dimly lit, and small. Unfourtunatly it was all the two of you could afford. There were two, small, old matresses on the floor, a table used for preparing food, a fireplace, and a single dirty window. You shared a beat up trunk for your clothes and few belongings. You sighed and flopped onto your mattress.

"Is this the rest of our life? Two old maids, sharing a god-awful apartment, never finding love in this dull cruel world?", you said dramaticly. Anne laughed at your childish behavior.

"Oh (yourname)! I am afraid so! We are worthless to society! Serving no purpose but to be the world's doormat! Have the angels abandoned us?! God forgotten us?! What is the use, trying anymore, I ask you!?", she replied as dramatic as you had.

"So it's settled", you said,"we leave at midnight. We'll murder all who have wronged us, and flee to America." Anne scoffed, as she dug out two nightgowns. She threw yours at your face. You both changed and crawled into bed.

"Goodnight (yourname)", Anne said in a tired voice.

"Goodnight", you replied as Anne blew out the candle.


"(Yourname)!", your boss yelled at you for being late. It wasn't your fault. Some idiot ran his caridge across the side walk. Eight people had been injured, you couldn't just leave them there. You had helped with some other people to get them to the hospital, making you late for your job. You would think he would be more understanding, but he wasn't.

"YOU'RE FIRED!", he yelled before storming away. Well, that's not good. You started to walk down the street, looking for 'help wanted' signs. You were shocked at how empty the streets were. You felt a light tap on your shoulder, causing you to come to an abrupt halt.

"Excuse me miss.", a deep....and very atractive voice said. You whipped around to face the man who had just spoke. He was tall and lean, with slightly long, raven black hair. He had a on an extravagent butler's suit on so he obviously worked for someone with money. The one thing you couldn't tear your eyes away from were his eyes. They were a blood colored crimson, that appeared as gentle as they did dangerous.

"Yes. How may I help you sir?", you asked with a slight curtsy. He smiled before speaking.

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