One Hell of a Butler

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[Chapter 5! Yay! You cried yourself to sleep last time! Well, fine, that's not cheery, but I am glad I've gotten this far. Today's song: Song: Honestly | Artist: Kelly Clarkson | Album: Stronger | Genre: Pop/Rock    Alright, let's start.]

You awoke to the sound of rain pouring down, beating against the roof with a force so strong that you knew for a fact that there would be damage. There was a bright flash of lightning that nearly blinded you accompanied by the sound of booming thunder that shook the house. You knew it was close, too close for comfort. Normally you would like a good storm, but this seemed dangerous.

You searched the table until you found some matches. You struck one and lit a candle. Standing you walked out the door. You walked by a clock and noticed the time, 2 o'clock. You weren't sure if it was day or night, but either way, you felt you should find the others. They certainly couldn't be sleeping through this. There was a roaring sound as the house shook. It was hard to see and you weren't sure where you were. You continued to walk until you saw a shadowy face. You let out a slight shriek and dropped the candle. Before it could hit the ground though, a hand caught it. You looked up to see that the shadowy face belonged to Sebastian.

"You should be more careful.” he said. You looked up and into his cold eyes before turning away.

"I'm sorry, you just startled Me.", you replied, embarrassed that you could be so easily scared.

"Well, you should follow me. The rest of the staff has already gathered in the cellar.” he said. You did as you were told. It was a bit of a shock to you that he didn't seem at all fazed by what had happened earlier, but you certainly weren't going to bring it up. You reached the door to the cellar and followed him into the room. As you walked in, you noticed everyone was already there. The Young Master sat in one of the two chairs. Tanaka sat in the other with Finny and Mey-rin sitting criss-cross on the floor. Bardroy was leaning against one of the walls, cigarette in hand. You sat on the floor next to Mey-rin as Sebastian went to stand next to Ceil.

"(yourname), glad you're alright.” Ceil said tiredly. You nodded thanks and gave a half-hearted smile. Exhausted still, your bones ached to the very core. You wanted nothing more than to be in bed, under the warm covers, drifting to sleep. You mind began to wander off to various subjects, Anne, Sebastian, the incident earlier. Your thoughts were interrupted by the intense gaze that rested on you. You didn’t have to look up to know it was Sebastian; he was the only one with such an intense, piercing stare.

“Sebastian.”, Ceil said, obviously preparing to give an order. What shocked everyone was Sebastian’s lack to respond. You turned to look at him, eyes wide in disbelief. Never in all you time knowing him, had he ever failed to respond to Ciel’s direction. You accidentally caught his eye. You wanted to look away but couldn’t; it was almost as if he was looking into your soul.

“SEBASTIAN!” Ceil was fuming. His outburst startled both you and Sebastian, causing him to jerk his attention to the Young Master. In all honesty, you had wished Ceil had kept his mouth shut.

“Yes, Young Master?” Sebastian said as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. This infuriated Ceil even more.

“I Should Not Have To Tell You Four Times To Do Something!” he yelled. Four times? You heard him the first time and the last time, but he had been yelling for Sebastian four times? Ceil took a breath before continuing.

“Go check the house. I think there will be damage. Fix whatever it is that is broken and prevent anything else from breaking. And Never ignore me like that again.” As if on cue, there was a howling wind that shook the house, rattling even the boxes on the shelves on in the cellar.

“Yes, my lord.” Sebastian said bowing. He couldn’t go out there! He surely would be hurt!

“Wait!” you said, jumping to your feet. All eyes turned to you. Ceil raised an eyebrow, giving you permission to speak, but warning you as well.

“H-he can’t go out there. The weather. It’s just...awful...and...H-how is he supposed to fix everything and prevent it from breaking? I know he’s good but there is no way he is that good. He’s bound to get himself hurt. Why don’t we just wait out the storm? We can always go over the damage afterwards.” you quickly squeaked out. Ceil opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a smirking butler.

“(yourname) I am thankful for your concern but I assure you I can handle it.”

“Bu- ...There is no wa-”, you began but weren’t given a chance to finish. Sebastian gave a quiet, yet incredibly dark laugh that made even Bardroy shift uncomfortably.

“I thought you were aware. I am one hell of a butler.” he said smirking. He laughed again as he walked out the door. You sat there dumbfounded, unsure of your own thoughts and afraid of what you knew was the truth.

“I had no idea I was so amusing...” you muttered to yourself.

[And , end of chapter. Sooooo....What did you think? Please tell me. Suggestions would be great. Sorry it was short. I was a bit stumped, and this seemed like a good place to stop. Bye!]

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