Day One

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[Yay! Chapter 2. I hope you like it. Sorry it took so long. My internet crashed.]

You had been working at the Phantomhive estate for three weeks. You had grown close to everyone there. You were good friends with Mey-Rin, you two being the only females. Finny was as sweet as they come, Tanaka was like the father you'd never had, and even Bardroy was nice, and quite funny. Even with all the disasters they created, you loved them like you would love a family. The Young Master was very nice, if not a little distant, but he seemed to like you. He even commented on how you were the second best servant he had. Of course Sebastian was the best, that was obvious. Sebastian.....Your mind wandered back to the day he had offered you the job.

[Three Weeks Earlier]

"I see you have lost your job miss.", he said. You nodded in responce, unsure of what to say. So he continued.

"It would seem we could use someone of with your skills at the estate. I would like to offer you a job as a maid at the Phantomhive Manor. I saw you practicing with that (favorite weapon) of yours. You are quite good. I also saw you working at that restaurant. It would seem that the current staff could need someone like yourself. What do you say miss? Would you like the job?” he said with a smile. You were a bit stunned. Just as you were about to accept, Anne crossed your mind. How could you leave her like that?

"I would love to, I ever see her? She's the only family I have.” you said starring at the ground.

"You will, provided the Young Master's approval of course, be able to see her on time off. You will be provided a place to stay, food to eat, clothes to wear, and quite a fair payment."

"O-okay.", you stuttered. How can you pass up an offer like that? Surely Anne would want you to take the job. Besides, you would help her however you could and would still be able to see her. Yes, everything would be fine. You continued to try to convince yourself.

[Three Weeks Later]

Anne had been happy for you, and Sebastian hadn't lied about the fair pay. You were making three times your old salary. You would send half of it back to help Anne, seeing as you really didn't need it anyway.

You would never admit it, but you had grown to have a crush on Sebastian. He was very attractive, could do everything better than anyone else, and was extremely polite. Not to mention his voice, which you loved, and his eyes, and...well that's beside the point. Despite your feelings for him, you still acted very professional. You had absolutely no idea if he reciprocated the feelings and you didn't want to ruin the friendship you had grown to have.

"(yourname) would you mind bringing the Young Master his tea while I prepare dinner?” Sebastian asked, snapping you out of your thoughts in the process. You smiled at him before replying.

"Oh course."  He nodded thanks and went to the kitchen. Right before he entered, there was a loud explosion that rattled the house. You giggled slightly as Sebastian sighed and pinched the brim of his nose.

You walked down the hall, pushing the cart of tea and cookies. You reached the door of the master's study and lightly knocked.

"Come in.", he replied. You opened the door and entered to see the Young Master looking intently at the papers that lay before him.

"Sebastian I ne-", he stopped mid-sentence as he looked up to see it was you.

"Oh, (yourname). Forgive me, I thought you were Sebastian.” he said in his usual tone. You placed his tea in front of him and stood back beside the cart.

"It's quite alright. Is there anything else you'll need Young Master?” you asked.

"No. That will be all.” he said waving his hand to dismiss you. You nodded smiling.

"Very good, Sir.” you pushed the cart back to the kitchen to find Bardroy sitting on a stool in the corner of the kitchen looking quite irritated. Sebastian was preparing dinner at an alarming rate. He stopped sudenly as he noticed you had entered.

"Ah, did the Young Master enjoy his tea?” he asked. You nodded before replying.

"Yes, he appeared to be satisfied with it."

"Very good. Thank you for your help.” he said bowing slightly. You couldn't help but fight back a blush. It wasn't fair. Why did he have to be so...perfect. Why couldn't he be a normal butler? How was it even possible for him to be as he was? You went back to your normal duties, still filled with questions.



"NO it would not.” the Young Master clenched his teeth. He was not happy about Miss Elizabeth's unplanned visit. You couldn't say you were exactly happy with being forced into a 'cute' frilly, overly puffy, pink dress. It was itchy and, well, ugly, but you had pretended to be as excited as she was. How could you not? She was terribly sweet and for her to actually give you something? You had never dreamed that any noble would ever be that kind.

"BUT A BALL WOULD BE...WOULD BE....” she sniffed before breaking down in tears. You wanted to comfort her but restrained yourself. You were not permitted to leave where you were standing.

"Oh alright! We'll have a ball.” the Young Master said standing. He began off to his study. He managed to get halfway there before Elizabeth tackled him to the ground.

"OH REALLY CIEL! OH IT WILL BE THE BEST BALL EVER. OH AND I'LL NEED TO PICK OUT DECORATIONS AND-" You couldn't help but laugh quietly to yourself as Sebastian dismissed all of you.


You sat in front of the vanity in your room. The Young Master, in reward for being the best of the lower ranking servants (meaning the servants under Sebastian), had given you your own room. You let down your (hairlength) (haircolor) hair. You brushed through it getting rid of all of the tangles and knots. Your mind wandered to Sebastian once again. The way he would smile at you....Butterflies stirred in your stomach as a blush rose to your cheeks. Just the thought of him made you blush...Was that right? You had only known him a few weeks; surely you couldn't feel that strongly about him.

The knock on the door made you jump.

"C-come in.", you say trying to regain your composer. The knob slowly turned and the door opened to reveal that one, raven haired butler. You struggled to hide the blush that threatened to grow on your cheeks.

"I hate to inconvenience you, (yourname), but seeing as you are the most capable of all the servants, I was wondering if you would mind helping me prepare for the ball.” He asked. You nodded a little too quickly.

"Thank you", he smiled, “I will meet you on the staircase then." He walked out, shutting the door behind him. You let out a breath you didn't realize you'd been holding. You fixed your hair and stood quite excited about helping Sebastian.

[So I'm tired, and this seems like a good place to end the chapter. Sorry it was boring. I promise it will get better, but I personally don't really like it when 'you' fall in love really fast for the guys in the story and they fall really fast for 'you'. It doesn't seem realistic enough. I tried to make this at least have some amount of time. I did give you three weeks to have a like like crush, so I don't think it's too bad. Again, please comment on what you think. If you have any ideas you want to share, feel free to let me know. It really would help. Thank you for your time and have a nice night...or day whatever time you are reading this.]

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