One Step Closer to Insanity

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[Hey, I'm back :) . So I guess I'll be starting chapter 12. I hope you all like it. Last chapter was, I guess pretty busy. I covered a lot of the plot strings. I really wanted to get that 'dream' one rolling. You'll see what I plan to do with that soon, but not today ^-^ . Song: Fire and Ice | Artist: Within Temptation | Album: The Unforgiving | Genre: Symphonic Metal   If you haven't listened to Within Temptation's music I seriously recommend it. It is wonderful. ]

You stood, dusting a table in one of the many halls. The sight of Ash made you jump slightly. He was accompanied by a pissed Sebastian as they went to the Young Master's study. You focused on your work as they passed by you. It wasn't long until they came back out. Ash stopped by your side. He frowned and lifted your hair up, revealing the scar on your neck that was identical to that on Sebastian's hand. He looked at your neck, disappointed in you.

"Dear, I thought I warned you. You know you're making this harder than it needs to be." Sighing, he placed a small crystal vial of, what you could only guess was, holy water in your hand. Ash cupped your face and kissed you once more. He pulled away and ran a hand through your hair gently. Sebastian slammed him against the wall. Ash, looking no more than slightly annoyed, kicked him off and down the hallway. Sebastian stood back up, ready to attack.

"Stop!", you screamed.

"No, continue! This is quite entertaining!" You turned to see Storm standing beside you.

"I don't know what game you think you're playing, but you have no idea what you're getting into. You're killing Joseph and I can't say I'm happy about that. I'm rather fond of him. I don't really give a damn what happens to you, but stay away from him. Why don't you just go on back with that little angel of yours and pray for redemption. I would hate to see you go to hell.", she whispered evilly in your ear. You froze unsure of what she meant. You soon remembered Sebastian and Ash were fighting and ran between the two.

"Please. Stop.", you said. Ash smiled down at you.

"If that is what you wish, dear.", he said calmly. Sebastian didn't say a word he just walked away, Storm following him. You turned away from Ash, crossing your arms.

"Goodbye, (yourname).", he said. You could hear his footsteps walk away.


You had returned to your chores, but didn't see Sebastian for the rest of the day. You felt guilty. You didn't know why you cared about Ash at all. Maybe it was that he did seem to actually care about you...or that he just might be telling you the truth. Even so, you still loved Sebastian, and didn't like to see him like that. You walked down the hall to his room. The door was just barely open. You opened it a bit wider, and your heart skipped a beat. You saw Sebastian and Storm in bed. They were twisted in the sheets. Storm had her head resting on his bare chest. She opened her eyes and saw you standing there. She didn't say anything, but just hugged him tighter and smirked at you. You carefully placed the door in it's original position.

You quietly walked to your room, a few tears escaping your eyes. You had thought he had loved you. At least he said he had. You were angry at yourself for being so foolish. He was a demon. They couldn't love. Ash had been right. You shut the door behind you. Pulling off your uniform, you had changed into a nightgown. You felt as though your heart had been ripped from your chest, leaving you, not broken, but numb. You felt absolutely nothing as you layed down in bed. A sleepless night soon followed.


The next morning you layed there, not the slightest bit tired. You got out of bed and changed. You had been doing your chores when Lady Elizabeth burst in attacking Ciel with a hug. She had apparently brought him a gift. She urged him to open it but soon stopped him, looking at his ring that she had broken.

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