Case part 1

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The unfamiliar group that had taken him from Harley brought him to some sort of base but y/n didn't get to see much as he was put in a small cell with nothing but a cot

Y/n sighs as he curled up for warmth

"I'm sorry about this y/n....I really am"

Y/n looks up to see the green women who was playing with a strand of her hair
"I really wish we didn't have to do this, you don't seem dangerous at all, and your innocent, I have to say I don't agree with keeping you here at all"

She sighs

Y/n looks up at her and sighs whipping their face
"Then let me go back to guys were wrong about her, she's really nice "

The green girl shakes her head,
"I cannot do that, Harley is not a good person, that's why she's in jail ......she's insane and dangerous "

Y/n shakes their head
"No....I need her back, I was happy, I finally had a home since mom and dad died"

Megan felt worse then ever But looks up when she head Wally call for her

She runs out of the confinement center they had set up to the living room


She looks at the TV to see a headline that threw her for a second, it read
" infamous Harley Quinn takes to court against superheroes"

The news caster was speaking in a posh British accent
"Our reporter is at arkem asylum now preparing to interview Harley Quinn and her lawyer in 10 minutes, we will be right back after these messages "

Robin walked past
"What are you guys doing? You never watch the court proceedings "

Wally looks worried
"You might want to see this"

Robins looks at the screen
"We need to get the team all hear, now"


Harley breathes in trying to steadily herself, she needed to remember what to say, what needed to be said

Kate has her with a team that was getting her ready with makeup and a hair stylist
"So Harley, just stay calm, their will be at least 5 reporters in there, you just have to answer the questions honestly and make sure to get everything said that needs to be said,"

Harley nods as they walked out to the table they would be sitting at and sat side by side, the room wasn't all that big but at least 10 cameras were pointed at her and then their was photographers snapping her picture although as Kate said one five of them looked like interviewers

"We are going live in 3....2....1"
The room started to bustle as the reporters each raised their hands to determine who got to question first, she called on an Asian woman that was to her left

"Hello, I'm Karen chun, I have a question, why are you building a case against the league and other hero's, what is it that you truly desire

Harley thinks about how to answer, although the answer come clearly
"Their is a little boy named y/n ......I had taken him in off the streets after Saving them from a mugger, I had fed them and took care of them until I was attacked unprovoked by said hero's who also took y/n away from me, I just want them back with me"

They all wrote her answer down

One I've the other reporters stood
"What would you do if you were to be set free with this y/n?"

"I would take him home and we would buy some snacks, rent some movies and hang out "

The small crowd laughs

She glanced at Kate who gave her a thumbs up
"Miss Quinn,  is it true that you are no longer affiliated with the joker?"

"Yes that is true"


Batman watched the the earth spin below, it was peaceful, and quiet

The literal millisecond he thought that the coms went off with robin on the line
"What is it"

"Go to Chanel 7......"

Batman raises an eyebrow but dose  and see's something completely off, Harley Quinn was in an interview with a lawyer

One of the interviewers asked
"What was the main fault of the so-called hero's who captured you?"

"They strike without evidence against me or real reason other then perhaps a gut feeling, I believe that they sound need to have proper reasoning and evidence before throwing someone in jail and not being questioned about it just because their called hero's"

Batman those to the meeting hall throwing the image up on screen for the whole league to see

"We need to talk"

(What do you think, should hero's need to gather evidence and follow the law like other law Enforcement or runoff of gut feeling and suspicions breaking the law when convenient?)

The mad jester (Harley Quinn x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now