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Surprisingly they came up with a plan to kill joker pretty quickly, all of them were scared of joker, he threatened everything they held dear

Deadshots daughter

Killer crocks newly wed wife

And boomerangs.....well she didn't really know who for boomerang but it had to be something

And Harley has her little y/n

"All right, everyone knows what we're doing? Now remember that the league and any real hero will just want to capture joker, put him back in jail, but not us"

She slid a special gun into a holster on her hip

"We are going to murder his clown ass"


They had spent the day getting ready, Harley had to go through with this right? She couldn't risk the new life she had for herself, couldn't risk falling into that same damn trap of the joker

She was walking with y/ns hand in hers, she gave it a warm squeeze knowing this might be the last time she got a chance to do this

Harley: now y/n, your gonna stay with some friends while I got make everything better, be good and play nice with Zoe, you and her would make great friends

Y/n nods

Y/n: yes miss Harley, will you be gone long?

Harley: I hope not, I'd like to get this done as quickly as possible so we can get back to being normal people

Y/n giggles, they had never really been normal But that was a good thing

They met Deadshot on the way to where they would hide there children during this mission

Zoe: hello miss Harley, daddy told me a lot about you

Harley smiles

Harley: Luke What

Zoe: that your a crazy bit....

Deadshot interrupted her
Deadshot: woah woah pumpkin, let's not tell the crazy lady everything daddy says about her

Y/n giggles

Y/n: hi... I'm y/n

Zoe: I'm Zoe

Both kids stayed close to there adults as the 4 of them walked to what looked like an unassuming building with "wonderland" across the top in big neon letters

Harley: hey Floyd, what is this place?

Deadshot: it's a bar, it's a cover owned by a friend of mine, she did some work with the league but she's solo right now

Harley: the justice league?

Deadshot: there's more then one league

As the got to the door it was opened by a young woman with messy black hair and oddly cat like eyes

???: Floyd, nice of you to drop by

She looked down

???: and this must be your darling Zoe, hello dear

Deadshot: Cheshire, we need you to take care of our kids while we are away, this is a very important job

Cheshire looked over to Harley and y/n

Cheshire: I don't believe we've met, but everyone knows who you are miss Quinn, I didn't know you and the joker had a little one

Harley: I'm not with the joker anymore, and this is y/n, I swooped in and stole him off the street

Y/n smiles and nods a little

Y/n: I was sleeping in a trash can

Cheshire raised an eyebrow but smiles

Cheshire: so what's the job If you don't mind me asking? What's the pay?

Deadshot: we're doing this as an act of charity so no pay, and the job is we're
going to kill the joker

Cheshire's face went pail, just the mention of the joker could scare almost anyone in Gotham, even this woman

Cheshire: that's suicide, you know that right?

Harley laughs sadly

Harley: well.....we ain't called the suicide squad because we do things that are safe

She looks to y/n, her little ray of happiness, her everything and kneeled to be at face levels

Harley: whatever happens next, remember.....I....

She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes and her words caught in her throat, this could be the last time they ever saw each other

Harley: I ...... love you

She hugged the, she hugged her child

Y/n couldn't say anything through all the emotions they felt but she could feel it, they cried into her shoulder for a bit before she looked him in the eyes and smiles

Harley: I have to go, be good for miss Cheshire

She didn't want to say goodbye, she hated goodbyes

Cheshire was leading the kids inside when y/n looked backward at her then ran back hugging her again

Y/n: I love you to miss Harley

Cheshire put a had on the child's shoulder and led him inside before coming back out

Cheshire: don't worry, I'll protect them from anything that comes our way while your gone

Harley: about that.....if I don't come back

Deadshot: Harley, don't think like that

Harley: think like what ? Realistically?! If I don't come back get y/n as far away as fast as you can,  and if it's safe you get him to ivy, or cat woman, promise me!

She had grabbed Cheshire's shoulders shaking her a bit

Cheshire: you have my word Harley Quinn

She looked at Deadshot

Cheshire: and you mr. Lawton? If not return to claim Zoe is thee anywhere I should send her?

Deadshot: her mother

He gave her the address

Harley: thank you.....

She turned away from the bar and headed towards the rendezvous point near where the joker hid, at an abandoned carnival

She looked at her motley crew of freaks and criminals

Deadshot, killer crock, boomerang, and ivy

Cat woman opted out of this mission, they all understood of course, most of them were thinking about doing the same but they stood strong, together

Harley: Alrighty, I'm not gonna sugar coat this, we are setting foot into a death trap, I'd be lying if I told you that I believed all of us are going to survive, but I'm going to go in there anyways to kill the Bastard who hurt and abused me for years and now is trying to punish me for having my own life, I'm doing this to protect my family, so I'd any of you want to leave and save yourselves nobody will fault you

She expected them to turn tail and run.... but not a single one did

Boomerang: ey, if this is gonna be the way I go out then I'm gonna go out as I lived, drunk and trying to kill some drungo who threatens someone I care about, I'm in

Deadshot: this world will be a better one for my little girl when that crazy asshole is gone, it'll be safer for you two psycho, I'm in

Croc: *growl* if it means protecting my wife, I'll do anything

Harley: oh yeah, how is your darling wife orca?

Croc: the baby is due soon, I hope to return to see it, but if I don't..... I'll die fighting for her, I'm in

Ivy just smiles at Harley

Ivy: someone's got to keep you out of too much trouble harls, I'm in

The mad jester (Harley Quinn x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now