Chapter 6: D-Day

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Hello, again everyone I've just posted a new chapter to My Family, My Life. I know that you guys have been waiting on me to update this book a long time. I'll try my best to update it as often as I can along with Marriage of Convenience. Please be patient with me. I plan to post another chapter this coming week if it's the lord's will. I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter. Please vote and comment.

Stay safe until next time.

Reese's POV...

It has been two weeks since I've seen Avery's beautiful face. My nights and days have begun to blend into each other. Dreadful thoughts of not spending the rest of my life waking up next to her were driving me insane. The only happiness that I was receiving is when Emily or Brendan would bring Asher and Alexia by my mom's place each afternoon. 

I sat on the edge of the bed with my head nestled in my hands and began to ponder what the future has in store for us. For the past two months, A nagging and painful thought kept telling me that I should let Avery go if I truly loved her. Each time that I think that I'm strong enough to walk away my heart would feel like it's being torn out of my chest.

One terrifying night helps me to finally put Avery's well-being above my own.

Flashback started...

My world came crashing down all around me when my Avery began to scream from the top of her lung when I entered our semi-dark bedroom. Her screaming was so horrifying that it awakens both Asher and Alexia up out of their sleep. Their small frame raced into the room in a panicked mood.

“Stay away from me,” she yelled frantically. 

“Avery, it's me, honey,” I responded calmly as I walked slowly towards the bed.

“Please don't hurt me.” I hear her begin to plead with fear in her trembling voice.

“Avery sweetheart this is Reese, I would never hurt you!” I speak trying to get through to her.

“You're a liar, Mr. Choi. You've already hurt me once.” She spat accusingly at me. I knew instinctively that I had taken on the form of my father in her eyes.

“Reese please help me. Why won't you save me from this monster?" Avery frightened wails as her body began to convulse rapidly. Her breathing was becoming fast and shallow until she finally collapsed onto the bed.

I didn't know what to do first because my sole reason for breathing was passed out on the bed and my two kids were crying out for their mother. I had completely forgotten that Brendan was spending the night until he raced into the room swooping both Asher and Alexia up into his arms. 

My brain soon kicked into high gear after realizing that our kids were in safe hands. Immediately I picked my phone up off of the nightstand and called Dr. Adrienne Boyd her psychotherapist. I waited for what seemed like hours for her to arrive. Sitting at the foot of the bed, I shook nervously as I waited for Dr. Boyd to finish her examination.

“Avery is fine Reese, however, she did suffer a moderate panic attack.” Dr. Boyd says. “If you don't want a repeat of tonight's scene, I suggest that you and her spend some time apart. Please think of your wife's well-being when you make your final decision son.” Dr. Boyd added looking down at me.

“Are you sure that Avery is okay? I questioned looking over at her fearfully.

“I'm positive, she's only sleeping!” Dr. Boyd responded as she pats me on my shoulder before walking towards the door. “I want you to take into consideration that your wife has only been out of her coma for a little over three months son when you make your decision,” she adds.

Tears formed in my eyes as I kissed Avery on the cheek then pack a few of my things into an overnight bag before heading downstairs to inform Brendan of what was going on.

Flashback ended

I felt like every second that I'm away from Avery a part of my soul was being stripped away.  It has been hard as hell for me to go through each day being without my family, but I was determined to put Avery's best interest first. I was willing to do whatever it takes to keep her safe even if that meant staying away from her.

I refuse to answer Avery phone calls for fear of giving in to my desire to see her. I feared that I was causing her more pain because I am the son of the man that has taken away her freedom, peace of mind and her reason to smile.

The very thought of seeing her today was causing mixed feelings to rise inside me. I knew that I didn't want to cause her any pain, but I also knew that she wouldn't be able to handle seeing my father today in court. This will be her first face to face encounter with him since his evil, brutal and unforgivable act upon her. 

Just the simple thought of him looking at her was waging a murderous war within me. I walked slowly over towards the nightstand and grabbed the gun out of the top drawer that I had purchased a few days ago placing it in the holster on my hip underneath my Armani jacket. 

“His bitch ass will never weasel his way out of getting exactly what he deserved if I have anything to do with it. He won't be allowed a second chance to torture Avery again.” I vowed to myself as I began to make my way downstairs to get my mom, Kyane and Destiny.

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