Chapter 1: Epilogue

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Reese POV


Eleven long months have slipped away, and the echoes of their mother's laughter still elude Asher and Alexia. The warmth of her embrace remains a distant memory, leaving an ache in our hearts. Tears stream down my face as I envision Avery absent from the joyous celebration of our children's first birthday. I strive to be a pillar of strength for us both, but the weight of her absence grows heavier with each passing day, as she misses out on the abundance of love that surrounds her.

In this trying time, Emily and Brendan have proven to be unwavering pillars of support. Emily visits daily, meticulously combing Avery's hair and engaging in heartfelt conversations as if she were awake. Her corny jokes directed at Avery serve as a comforting reminder that, despite the gravity of the situation, we still have each other to lean on. Brendan, on the other hand, takes it upon himself to keep Avery connected to the outside world. He regales her with tales of everyday life, playing with the twins and sharing amusing anecdotes from Avery's youth, ensuring that her spirit remains alive in their hearts.

Avery, my heart aches for you. Your laughter and radiant smiles are like distant echoes that I yearn to hear again. The way you effortlessly push me to grow, to become better, is something I never realized I needed until you came into my life. Your smile, so dazzling, has the power to illuminate the world around me, making everything seem brighter. And when you're near, the air becomes crisper, as if your presence breathes life into every moment.

You, my love, are my sanctuary, my true home where I can unapologetically be myself. In your arms, I find solace and acceptance, a place where I am free to embrace my truest self. My heart beats solely for you and the beautiful family we have created together. You are the anchor that keeps me grounded, the reason I strive to be the best version of myself.

I refuse to bid farewell to our love, to the bond we share, my baby. Our connection runs deeper than words can express, transcending the limitations of time and space. Though circumstances may change, my love for you remains unwavering, steadfast. You are etched into the very fabric of my being, an indelible mark that will forever remind me of the love we have built.

So, my dearest Avery, know that you are deeply missed, and my heart longs for the day when we can be reunited once again. Until then, I will hold onto the memories we've created, cherishing every moment we've shared. Our love is a flame that will never be extinguished, burning brightly in the depths of my soul.

Flashback started:

June 29th three years ago...

I felt physically, emotionally and mentally drained as I continued interviewing dozens of potential candidates for my assistant. This whole process was draining me dry while running me ragged in the process. Looking at the clock, I noticed it was barely noon. 

While pinching the bridge of my nose, I began massaging the right side of my temple in a circular motion. I felt an intense headache mounting as I walked over to the massive floor-to-ceiling window. The busy street was crowded, the people looked extremely tiny from my view.

I use to like being so high up but not now. At first, I felt like I was on top of the world, now I feel detached from the world and the people around me. I no longer experience the excitement of being at the top. I finally understand what mom was trying to get me to see that it gets really lonely being at the top by yourself. Acquiring money and power means absolutely nothing if you don't have someone to share it with.

"Come in," I yelled over my shoulder still looking out the window at the crowd of people below.

"Reese honey are you ready to go to lunch?" I hear Hye-jin asked.

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