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(sonia's pov- one month after graduation)

     Mikan and I sprinted towards the hospital at the third island. But by the time we both got there we were both huffing for air, but ran down the hall to Gundham's room. But before I could open the door, Mikan grabbed my arm.

    "Wait." She whispered,  "Since we don't know what happened to him, I don't know how he might be... behaving." Huh? What was Mikan saying? "Behaving? What do you mean behaving?" I replied.

     Mikan looked flustered, but still replied calmly, "He might be acting differently. Just be prepared." And with that, Mikan slowly opened the door.

    Gundham didn't even notice the door opened. He was sitting on his bed, facing the other direction. He had his hamsters in his lap, who were obviously ecstatic to see him.

    Mikan looked at me, and gestured her head towards him, suggesting I go towards him. So I did. I very slowly took a few steps towards Gundham, and put my hand on his shoulder.

     "Jesus!" He yelled, jumping at my touch. "I didn't realize you were there." But his scared expression quickly turned into a smile. He jumped out of bed to throw his arms around me, but Mikan chimed in.

    "No! Gundham you must rest!" She pushed him back onto his bed. "I'm fine!" He insisted, starting to stand up again. But Mikan simply pushed him back down, "No. You're not." she replied.

    I was shocked, I had never seen her like this. She always seemed to delicate, so fragile, but now she seemed so powerful. It was refreshing.

   Gundham promised Mikan that he wouldn't get up again, and she eventually left the room.

    Unsurprisingly, Gundham immediately got up and surrounded me in a giant hug. He picked me up and spun me around, laughing the whole time. He set me down and we both sat down on the edge of his bed.

    "So.." he said. "so..." I replied. I didn't really know what to say. I was just happy to be in his company, but then a question popped into my head, which I felt very pressured to ask.

   "Gundham.." I stated, "What happened to you?" He looked confused. "What do you mean?" I thought about what to say. "I mean, like, what happened to land you in the hospital?" I said. Gundham looked at the ground, but as he opened his mouth to speak the door to the hospital room burst open, and my least favorite mechanic burst through the door. 

"What? I thought I got rid of you!"

GxS- Post Graduation (completed)Where stories live. Discover now