that small moment

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(sonia's pov- 2 months after graduation)

Gundham and I walked hand in hand to the military base, chatting and laughing all the way. We were casual, predictable, normal.

But a conversation I had with Chiaki and Peko a few days prior made me really think about Gundham and I.

Chiaki and Hajime were an "official" couple. They kissed, they went on dates, they were perfect. Same with Peko and Fuyuhiko. Surprisingly, Peko said Fuyuhiko was quite the romantic. And I wanted that.
I wanted the kisses, they dates, the romance. I wanted to be an "official couple".

Gundham and I have both openly liked each other for a while, so why hasn't anything happened? Why aren't we more than just people who mutual feelings?

I've spent so long trying to decide between Gundham and my life, but if I want Gundham to be my life? He's everything to me- and I haven't even kissed him. I haven't been open enough about how I feel.

I want to be open, I really do, but it feels hard, which is strange. I've spent so much time with him but I'm still nervous about making a serious move.

What if he rejects me? What if he doesn't want to be my official boyfriend? What if things become weird with us because of it? I don't think I can handle losing him again.

Gundham and I had both stopped talking at this point. There was silence between us, but it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence. That's something I liked about Gundham, he understood and appreciated small things. Like comfortable silence, or how holding someone's hand can make a simple walk so much better.

But I broke the silence.

"Gundham I would like you to stop walking and close your eyes please." Despite his obvious confusion he did what I asked.

But now I didn't know what to do, I had never kissed anyone before, what if it's slimy... regardless, put my arms around Gundham's neck and shoulders, stood on my tiptoes, and slowly pressed my lips against his.

He slid his hands around my waist, and in that small moment, I was 100% complete.

GxS- Post Graduation (completed)Where stories live. Discover now