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(Sonia's POV)

(This chapter contains mentions of sexual themes. If that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable please skip this chapter.) 

The city was... crowded... to say the least.

Everywhere I turned there were more people. The sidewalks were completely packed, and everyone acted as though every step they took was the most important step of their life.

I loved it.

No one looked even remotely similar to anyone else. Each person had their own way of walking, talking, and dressing. Being on the island was the first time I had gotten to experience that, but now, it felt different. Seeing it on such a large scale felt... special.

Everyone here was their own person, with their own agenda and lifestyle. No one was trying to be like someone else, everyone was unique.

Ibuki insisted the first thing we do was go clothes shopping, which wasn't all the surprising. I was actually really excited to go shopping though, I had never properly done it before.

Back in my kingdom, I didn't have any friends who I could go shopping with, or who would "hang out" with me. Honestly, a part of me was almost... nervous.

"Helllllll Yeahhh!! Girls trip! You guys are gonna look SO killer when I'm done with ya!" Ibuki said. I gasped at her harsh words, "Oh no no no!" I exclaimed, "I don't want to look anything like a killer!"


We shopped for hours. Chiaki used her phone to find the closest "Shopping Mall" and we basically ransacked the place.

I had offered to pay for everything, of course, an offer which my friends certainly did not refuse, and everything was going smoothly.

Ibuki and Chiaki also insisted on picking out outfits for me, some of their choices were a little... out there... for my taste, but Ibuki told me I looked "smoking" which I guess is a good thing.

We were walking through the mall, multiple bags in each hand, when we passed a store that caught Ibuki's eye.

"Heyyyyy guys! Look over there!" She said, pointing her finger at a store decorated with pared lighting, and lace. "It's a lingerie store! Let's go in!"

Chiaki and I looked at each other with genuine fear in our eyes as Ibuki dragged us towards the shop. She browsed around, carefully considering some of the items, Chiaki and I slowly shuffling behind her.

"Hey Sonia!! Look at this!"

Ibuki was holding up a set consisting of a black, lacy bralette, and matching panties.

"Gundham would totally dig these on you!"

Her words stopped me in my tracks.

"Ibuki... what do you mean...?" I questioned.

"Ya knowww, for when you guys do the nasty!" She exclaimed.

I could feel my face turn immediately red. The nasty? Does she mean.. intercourse?

"Gundham and I are not engaging in such activities at the moment." I said. I was trying to keep a straight face, but I couldn't bring myself to meet Ibuki or Chiaki's eyes.

"Whattttt?!" Ibuki said, "I assumed that while we were in that hotel you guys were banging like bunnies!"

I couldn't hide the fact that I was completely shocked by her words anymore. Truth be told, I didn't know much about how normal relationships worked. Before I went to Hopes Peak, I was supposed to participate in an arranged marriage, so I had never really figured out what it meant to be in properly in love with someone.

That's kinda when it struck me. Love...

I had never admitted to myself, or anyone else before...

But I was totally, head over heels, completely,
in love with Gundham Tanaka.

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