best friend

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(sonia's pov- 2 months and one week after graduation)

I can't wait to be off this awful boat.

Normally I like cruises (i've been on many with my family), but this one...awful. There's a lack of rooms- so people had to double up. We were separated by gender, and our rooms were already assigned. I was assigned with Chiaki (thank god), but we had a very unfortunate pairing as neighbors.

Whoever made the decision to put Hiyoko and Mikan together made a huge mistake.

Ever since the- I hate saying it- killing school trip ended, Mikan has been standing up for herself. So all Chiaki and I hear, is constant fighting.

"No! You should not say things like that to people!"
"Well it's true DUMMY!"
"Please do NOT call me that!!"

I'm guessing you can tell who said what. It's getting pretty brutal- and it's only been 3 hours. Makoto said we only have 2-3ish days left until we're off the ship- but I don't know how much longer I can take their  arguing. It's getting very annoying.

But one huge plus of being on this ship- is that we were given cellular phones! Chiaki and Hajime thought me new texting phrases like "LOL" "BRB" "TTYL" "FYI", and my favorite, "LMAO" Laugh my accessories off!

(Authors note- In the future chapters- if you see a conversation between two characters in Italics It means the conversation is happening via text/call! :) don't forget to follow me for more updates on this story hehe)

When I was still trialing to be queen, I was not allowed a cellular phone, for my parents thought it would distract from my duties to train, so this is very exciting. I'm learning how to do things like send a Twitter, and a Snapchat photo! Not to mention I already have 4 friends on "The Gram"!!

Chiaki and I stayed up late in our room looking at videos on the Youtube and the Netflix, it was very exciting. But then Chiaki stopped the video halfway through and turned to me with a very serious expression.

"Sonia I have a question for you." She said. "Well please proceed." I responded. Chiaki took a few moments before responding. "Sonia- what- or- how do you know, if, you... love, someone?" Chiaki said.

I was stunned. I was absolutely stunned.

"Ohmygoodness. Oh. My. Goodness! You are in love with Hajime!" I exclaimed! Chiaki immediately went a very dark shade of red, before a smile slowly overtook her face.

Before I knew it, Chiaki was holding my hands in hers, giggling and talking about what a dreamboat Hajime was- I was udderly stunned as it was a side of Chiaki I never really knew existed.

I just listened and laughed along with her as she smiled and boasted about how perfect Hajime was. Seeing her this happy ultimately made me very happy as well, and before I knew it- I was also taking about how perfect Gundham was.

And then I realized it- Chiaki is not simply my friend. She is my best friend- I would consider her a sister even. She is as equally apart of me as Gundham is, and every other amazing person I have grown to love on this island.

That thought just made me smile more.

GxS- Post Graduation (completed)Where stories live. Discover now